Full disclosure: I am no longer an enthusiastic LinkedIn user. It’s nothing against the platform. It’s simply because my professional career does not come first anymore. Having completed a traditional livelihood, I am part of a latent workforce contributing where I am able. To that end, I share information that I believe will help others succeed where I see opportunity. Currently, studying how to win at sales is an area I feel passionate about. Therefore, I want to devote this article to teaching you how to leverage LinkedIn.
How to win at sales is a sweeping statement
Winning at sales generally means you’ve met your quota or topped your revenue goals for the quarter. But what about next quarter? Your boss is looking at pacing figures and your clients are asking, “What have you done for me today?” Meanwhile, there is little time to reflect on how to build your reputation or increase your credibility beyond the next email. At this point, “How to win at sales” becomes another elusive topic from your last training session. Realistically, winning at sales is something built over time. It requires investment of energy and continual concentration.
Win at sales by being strategic on LinkedIn
Carol Kaemmerer is an author and advisor on the C‑Suite Network and an authority on how to win at sales using LinkedIn. Also, she has appeared as a guest on SalesFuel’s Manager Smarter Show where she shared insights on boosting your profile and increasing your credibility. Her suggestions for leveraging LinkedIn are simple and to the point:
- Develop and nurture key business relationships
- Strive to be top of mind in your field of expertise
- Cultivate your reputation as an expert
Networking is easy with LinkedIn
“LinkedIn is networking without the pressure," says Melanie Pinola, author of LinkedIn in 30 Minutes. She notes the ease of online networking with curated profiles compared to the often awkward small-talk conversations of conventions and professional gatherings. Doubtless, there are advantages when you can create your own “who’s who” entry to showcase your work history, education, skills, interests, and reputation. Pinola’s version of how to win at sales on LinkedIn is to design how you want the world to see you professionally. Essentially, this is a unique opportunity to invent and present your own personal brand.
The discipline of maintenance is the downside
In addition to working toward your desired results, as Kaemmerer suggested, you must be disciplined enough to maintain a presence. She cautions that, like email, your network uses LinkedIn as a principal method of communication. Granted, there are automated responses but be mindful that a well-stated and thorough message may be required. After all, it is your brand you are tending. Likewise, notifications are a product of LinkedIn’s proprietary AI algorithm and can work in your favor. Be sure to take time to read and respond with a statement that adds value to the person who posted and those reading it. Other maintenance items are to check your homepage feed and your network icon regularly. Helpfully, Kaemmerer suggested setting a timer as you sign in and establish rules on who you want in your network and what events, newsletters and connections you will make.
Content creation is how to win at sales
Posting or writing about something that is important to you is a powerful way to cultivate your reputation as an expert. This process is simple and does not have to be time consuming. Words hold sway among your network and can be the key to winning at sales far beyond next quarter’s sales goals.
Photo by Jaime Lopes on Unsplash