Faster Page Loading Speeds = More Mobile Visitors

BY Rachel Cagle
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Over half (53%) of mobile users trying to visit a web page will give up if the site takes longer than three seconds to load, according to a Search Engine Land article by Aleh Barysevich. “Even if your website is lightning-​fast on your end, visitors with older smartphones might experience delays, which could impact your speed score, and possibly your website’s ranking,” says Barysevich. Here are a few ways he recommends to optimize website speed.

Optimize Images

A website without pictures is a boring site, but images that are too large can dramatically slow the page's loading time. That’s why Barysevich recommends making images a bit smaller on website pages in order to boost loading speed. If that doesn’t work for you, don’t be afraid to delete a few images on your client’s site. Which would they rather have, a page that site users will get to quickly or a site with really cool images that increase the loading time so much that only half of the initially interested searchers hang around to see?

Limit Page Redirecting

If your client’s site has more than one redirect to get from the URL to the site's homepage, they’re slowing down the time it takes their site to load. Redirecting means that devices will not only have to complete the domain name system, transmission control protocol and transport layer of security needed to load any page, they’ll have to do all three steps again with each redirect. Make the navigation from the URL to the landing page as simple as possible on devices to increase speed.

These are only two of the nine tips that Barysevich outlines in his article. To learn more about the types of websites different mobile device users will be looking into, check out their profiles on AudienceSCAN from AdMall by SalesFuel.
