Inside Sales Skills to Master for Your New Position

BY Jessica Helinski
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New to inside sales? Many reps find themselves shifting their careers and moving from outside sales to inside. Various factors can influence this decision, some reps feel burned out or are curious about flexing their skills in a different way. Maybe, after being required to work remotely this past year, it just feels like a better fit. HubSpot's Jay Fuchs shared 12 tips from experienced sellers who successfully transitioned their sales roles. Their advice can help ease the shift and ensure the move was the right choice. Four of these tips are included below:

  1. Build on your skills.
  2. Be yourself.
  3. Turn on your video.
  4. Always schedule to reconnect.

Inside sales improvement tips

Build on your skills. Outside sales skills won’t all translate to inside sales. “Outside sales is a different game, so you need to embrace some different rules if you want to make a seamless transition,” Fuchs explains. He encourages reps to learn as much as they can about what this position requires, as well as what specific strategies and behaviors they may have to adjust. He uses HubSpot Solutions Partner Growth Specialist Sharen Murnaghan as an example of what to do to hone and adjust skills. “She read books, asked questions, shadowed other high flyers, and scheduled meetings with top executives, all while setting goals and establishing firm plans to achieve them,” he writes. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others in inside sales for advice, guidance and even a mentor.

Be yourself. Robotic, impersonal calls will not get results. Instead, sincerity, individuality and authenticity will be driving forces for inside sales success. If you aren’t used to so much call work, it will take practice to comfortably be yourself and not sound so scripted. But, it’s necessary to connect with prospects. “There's a human element to inside sales that you can't gloss over or push down,” Fuchs explains. “When it comes down to it, prospects are people [who] want to hear from other people. Ditch the rigidity and excessive formality if you want to hack it in inside sales.”

Turn on your video. Using video during sales calls has skyrocketed thanks to COVID-​19, and reps should keep using it post-​pandemic. Media Sales Today reported in a previous post that, “Deals are 127% more likely to close when video is used during any point in the sales process.” Additionally, win rates are higher among webcam users: "When salespeople use a webcam, win rates shoot up 94%.” Fuchs believes that video can be a powerful way to connect remotely and can give inside sales reps an edge over competitors. And, HubSpot Principal Account Executive Kristen Kelley agrees. She adds, “It will engage both visual and auditory senses, promoting a deeper relationship and engendering trust."

Always schedule to reconnect. In inside sales, keeping up with prospects and keeping the dialogue going can be a challenge. One way to do this, according to Fuchs and Kelley, is to always schedule the next call before hanging up. This not only holds the prospect accountable for agreeing to speak again, but also keeps the rep in control of the situation. “You want to keep a grip and a pulse on any engagement with prospects,” Fuchs explains. “One of the better ways inside salespeople can do that is through scheduling reconnects before the ends of their calls.”

More tips to implement

Check out the rest of his article to read the rest of the 12 tips, which includes insights from others who have successfully transitioned from outside to inside sales. Your effort and thoughtfulness will pay off.
