Is Poor Organization Sinking Your Career as a Successful Sales Rep?

BY Tim Londergan
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Prospecting, setting the appointment and making the pitch are routine tasks every sales rep needs to focus on. However, with too many distractions and unmet priorities, focus is fleeting. 

Concentration will only come after you’ve dispersed the clutter. But just deciding where to begin is sometimes overwhelming.

Be the Sales Rep Who Defeats Clutter

Clutter exists in every facet of selling and it’s not always tangible. Clearing your desk and restacking the piles of paper won’t help. According to professional organizer, Barbara Hemphill, there are three things that will help you reduce clutter:

1. Focus: Start on the most important thing to accomplish in the day and understand why it’s a priority.

2. Systems: Creating systems to handle paper and projects is key. Hemphill uses a system called the “Magic Six.” This sytem identifies six things you have within reach to help contain your work.

3. Support: Organization and productivity require the support of all those around you. Share your vision of eliminating clutter so others can help you achieve your goal. 

Organize Your Prospecting Efforts

Begin prospecting by identifying your ideal customer profile and target market. Tools such as LinkedIn Sales Navigator will help you search for companies and individuals that fit your contour. Every sales rep with access to a CRM should learn to make it work to their advantage. 

Identify and isolate leads from prospects while searching for the best opportunities. Evan Tarver, contributor to Forbes Advisor, suggests breaking out three broad stages:

  • Lead generation
  • Lead nurturing
  • Deal closing

Qualifying your leads through the sales pipeline will help you identify the logical next step toward closing. Moreover, the wealth of information available today will allow you to focus on critical qualifiers.

Systemize Your Networking Powers

LinkedIn offers valuable tips about networking and follow-​up to keep the clutter away. Furthermore, tracking and categorizing your contacts can help supplement the data in your CRM. 

Segment your database to criteria. Considering the sector, company size or decision-​maker function will help you be in control of your next step.

The article also features LinkedIn users offering advice on scheduling and personalizing follow-​up and measuring results. These instructions will help you organize your labors and be rewarded for your effort.

Arrange Your Research and Discovery

Undoubtedly, thorough research is required for a successful sales call. Plus, a sales rep must take time to mentally prepare for a meeting. Pre-​call planning is too important to put off to the last minute. 

Setting aside time for meeting preparation is a high priority. It’s important to take a moment to focus on your goals, your audience and get centered around the task. 

Dedicate Time to Trust Building

According to integritysolutions​.com, developing trust and rapport must precede any selling activity. Therefore, you must prioritize the steps to achieve long term relationships with key clients. 

Taking time to learn the framework for winning trust is critical to a successful sales career. Importantly, reaching “trusted advisor” status gives any sales rep an enviable position. 

Schedule Your Priorities

It’s time to turn the table on clutter and chaos. Instead of prioritizing your schedule you need to commit to identifying the most important items for your long-​term success. According to Hemphill, you must:

  • State your vision.
  • Identify your obstacles.
  • Commit your resources.
  • Design and execute your plan.
  • Sustain your success.

This five-​step process will help you focus on establishing productive habits and break down each process into smaller chunks. Be the sales rep to “overcome the pull of procrastination and take full advantage of time that others are wasting."

Photo by * Doğukan * Pexels​.com 
