Is Your Online Reputation Costing You Gen Z Dollars?

BY Rachel Cagle
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You may think of millennials as the digital generation. But have you ever stopped to consider Gen Z, whose purchasing power is growing with every passing year? The Center for Generational Kinetics’ The State of Gen Z 2018 study found that 95% of Gen Zers over the age of 13 already own smartphones. Fifty-​nine percent of those phones are iPhones and 39% are Android mobile phones. Not only do almost all of these 13- to 22-​year-​olds have a smartphone, they’re using them. Thirty-​five percent are glued to the small screen for between five and nine hours and 26% for a minimum of 10 hours. Every. Single. Day. The latter is nearly the entire time they’re awake!

Social media comprises a great deal of Gen Z’s smartphone usage. What’s their favorite social network to follow businesses on? Instagram. It’s important for businesses to keep up with their reputation management efforts, especially on social media, because of Gen Z’s spending habits.

Given their current ages, most members of Gen Z aren’t in established, full-​time careers. While they do have spending money, it’s likely from their parents (38%) or part-​time work (23%). So, when they spend money, they want to know they’re getting the most of every penny. That’s why 68% of this age group feels the need to read a minimum of three reviews on whatever they are considering for purchase and 16% will read at least nine.

Are your Gen Z‑targeting clients investing in reputation management? If they aren’t, it’s about time they started. If your client still needs convincing that targeting this younger generation is worth it, head to the Gen Z profile on AudienceSCAN from AdMall by SalesFuel. There, you can find this generation’s shopping habits, along with other advertising media that appeal to them.

Bonus Tip: The study also found that members of Gen Z trust the content they see on YouTube more than that on the radio, in print or even on TV. So, don’t forget to add video advertisements to your pitch to your Gen Z‑targeting clients!
