Never Negotiate These Things Away

BY Jessica Helinski
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Negotiations are pretty common in the sales world, and you’ve likely done your fair share of negotiating with a prospect or client. But there are some things that should be off-​limits when it comes to haggling. Anthony Iannarino compiled a list of things that sales reps should never negotiate away, writing, “You will be asked to negotiate things you must never trade away. Whatever is offered in trade will never equal what you are being asked to give up.”

The following are just a couple from his list of 10:

Your priorities.

Yes, everyone has their own set of priorities, and you might be tempted to turn your back on your own in favor of someone else’s. This is a mistake, and as Iannarino writes, “You never have to be rude about saying no to small things so you can say yes to the things that, for you anyway, are most important.” Don’t feel pressured to back off what is most significant or meaningful to you, especially simply for the ease of closing a deal or trying to appeal to a prospect. 

Your loyalty.

This isn’t something that’s even for sale. “There may be a time when someone tries to promise you something to shift your commitment to them, even providing you with a rationale for doing so. If you negotiate away your loyalty, you are treacherous and unfaithful.” Compromising others’ trust in you, and risking your reputation, will never be worth it. 

Your individuality.

Yes, you are part of a team, which is part of a company. But you still should always strive to maintain your individuality, no matter what pressure you feel to change. Pleasing a prospect or client should never come at the cost of changing who you are as a person. 

With his list, Iannarino urges reps to be mindful during negotiations. It’s one thing to adjust pricing for a prospect or adjust a deadline for a client, but some things should never be negotiated. As tempting as it may be, don’t let the thrill of a deal or attempts to appease a client make you compromise what’s most important. 
