NEW! Monthly Sell Smarter! Award Video Features Co-op

BY Courtney Huckabay
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Hi. I’m Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month’s featured Sell SMARTER! Award — where we honor excellence in media SALES.


Marketing Consultant Arnold Bernardino had been hunting down new business for KETK-​NBC/​Nexstar in Tyler, Texas. He was hot on the trail of his local Kawasaki retailer but was getting some push-back.

This particular dealer was very reluctant to try TV, but I assured him that I was here to help build his business in the most effective way possible,” Bernardino explained.

They’re an East Texas family-​owned and operated business, selling Kawasaki ATVs and UTVs. The biggest challenge they face is BIGGER Kawasaki dealers within a sixty-​mile radius that have bigger MARKETING budgets.

I went to AdMall as I always do for opportunities, and searched for Kawasaki,” Bernardino said.

He used the contact information listed in the AdMall co-​op Intelligence Report and emailed Kawasaki’s co-​op department. They quickly responded and after exchanging a few emails with Bernardino, they sent him pre-​produced commercials. He shared the spots with his client, as well as the Kawasaki co-​op reimbursement percentages.

My client was so impressed that I was able to find this information and do this for him that he signed immediately with me!” said Bernardino.

The family business has been on air with KETK-​NBC for two months and in this short period of time already has success stories from the advertising campaign! The client is spending approximately $1,500 per month.

Had I not had AdMall available to me to do the research, my road to closing this sale would have been much harder,” Bernardino noted. “The fact that I was able to speak intelligently with my client about what he could do, how his co-​op dollars were accrued and how much MONEY he’d SAVE made all the difference in the world!”

Congratulations to Arnold, along with the OTHER Sell Smarter! Award recipients:  Lisa Breaux of Daily Iberian and Ana Jimenez of Comcast Spotlight.

To find out how YOU can qualify for a Sell Smarter! Award, visit the Sell Smarter PAGE under “FEATURES” on MediaSalesToday​.com.
