Out-​of-​Home Ads Drive Big Jumps in Cross-​Media Exposure

BY Kathy Crosett
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Out-​of-​home advertising is one of the few traditional media formats expected to significantly grow in 2019. Earlier this fall, the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA) reported that OOH spending jumped 7.7% in Q2. In addition, media industry analyst Brian Wieser has pointed out that no new format is poised to disrupt the OOH marketplace. Another new OAAA report now gives marketers even more reason to buy the format.

The Power of OOH

The OAAA recently commissioned Simmons MRI to measure the impact of OOH formats when it’s combined with other media formats. We all notice advertiser messages in a subway car or on a roadside billboard. Sometimes, that exposure can be brief. In other cases, marketing messages in other media formats may only reach some of the intended audience. When marketers use multiple media formats, including OOH, to deliver their messages, the reach is enormously amplified.

OOH media, whether it’s on transit locations or billboards has an impressive reach of over 93% of U.S. adults. Most adults spend plenty of time on their mobile phones, too. The results of the OAAA study show that marketers can increase audience reach by 340% when they combine OOH media with ads on mobile video. Similarly, OOH can drive a 226% audience increase when marketers combine the format with ads on smartphone or tablet apps. 

Growing Industry Verticals for OOH

In the second quarter of 2019, marketers in several industry verticals over-​indexed when it came to purchasing OOH advertising. These categories included local services and amusements, retailers, and insurance and real estate. If you’re working with clients in these industries, talk with them about including OOH buys in their media mix. Getting the media mix right will score impressive reach and drive revenue for your clients.

You can learn more about how out-​of-​home media influences consumers, when compared to other media formats, by checking out the AudienceSCAN profiles available at AdMall from SalesFuel
