Remote Meetings: How To Prepare For Sales Success

BY Jessica Helinski
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Remote meetings are predicted to continue being a common occurrence in the near future. And now, likely more than ever, salespeople need to quickly adapt and sell in the current circumstances. “Customers and prospects are going to be more cautious in their buying decision and sales reps aren't going to be able to be face-​to-​face to help leverage the relationship to close the deal,” writes Janel Dylan for Business Insider. Now is the time to perfect those video meeting skills, and Dylan shares seven essential tips for closing sales remotely. Here are just a coupe of highlights:

Remote Meetings Must-Do’s

It’s important, before the call even begins, to set the stage for remote meetings. First, set the meeting. Go ahead and ask right away for a virtual meeting. While phone works, Dylan suggests taking advantage of the many available video conferencing tools available, which can help fill the communication gaps. Plus, it’s as close to face-​to-​face as you can get right now, so use the opportunity to make a deeper connection. “Join the meeting early to set up your image how you like it,” she writes. “Being the first one in also tells those joining that it's OK, if not expected, that they turn on their camera too.” Also, make sure to offer a properly formatted click-​to-​dial phone option in case one is needed. 

Break the ice.

There’s a chance that this may be the prospect or client’s first time having a remote meeting. You can immediately set them at ease by starting the dialogue, i.e. breaking the ice, and creating a connection. “Build in the time as it can create a positive group atmosphere, break down social barriers, motivate, and get people to know and trust one another,” she writes. And yes, feel free to talk about the coronavirus and what’s going on in the world; it’s definitely on everyone’s mind (and the reason for so many remote meetings happening). Briefly discussing the current situation can also give you some valuable insight into their mindset and how it is affecting their business.

These are only two of the seven tips Dylan shares. You’ll find each one to be helpful when shifting to remote meetings with sales prospects and clients. And remember, things won’t always go smoothly, especially when first holding these virtual conferences. Just follow her tips to get yourself started and comfortable with the process. Your ease with remote meetings will help you both now, and in the future. As Dylan writes, “the coronavirus will eventually be behind us … but not the need to work together in a world where we are connected via our screen — video conferences are the way of the future.”
