Retailers to Promote Cooking Appliances for Bread Products

BY Rachel Cagle
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"In the five weeks between March 15 and April 18, 2020, U.S. dollar sales of electric pasta makers grew more than five times what they were a year ago, and breadmakers more than quadrupled sales," according to The NPD Group. Cooking appliances are a must-​have for Americans who are cooking more meals at home now than ever before, especially when it comes to the bread products they're craving en masse.

Bread Products: America's Comfort Food

Americans are seeking comfort during the trying times of COVID-​19 in their food choices. Since eating out can be expensive, and consumers are now looking for ways to fill their extra time social distancing, they're making these comfort foods themselves using cooking appliances. And these foods are primarily bread products and other foods filled with carbs.

Consumers are turning to cooking appliances to help them make an array of comfort foods and bread products. NPD says that cooking appliances experiencing sales growth include pasta makers, breadmakers, waffle irons, electric griddles and rice cookers. This is the first time in years most of these appliances have seen sales spikes. Not only are consumers buying these types of bread products appliances out of the desire to make their own, it's also a need. Grocery stores have been selling out of bread products left and right due to the COVID-​19 scare.

Cooking Recipe Experimenters are looking to fill their time during social distancing and cooking can only fill so much of it. For 62.7% of these consumers, TV watching fills at least another three hours of each day, according to AudienceSCAN, and that was before the quarantine even set in.

AudienceSCAN data is available for your applications and dashboards through the SalesFuel API. In addition, AdMall contains industry profiles on appliance stores and department stores, as well as lead lists at the local level. Media companies, sales reps and agencies can access this data with a subscription to AdMall from SalesFuel.
