Sell Smarter Award Highlights AdMall's AudienceSCAN and Digital Audit

BY Adam Ambro

Hi. I’m Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month’s featured Sell Smarter Award — where we honor excellence in media sales. 

Sean Hanus, Client Solutions Strategic Specialist for Effectv, has been an avid AdMall user for five years and has formulated a research routine that helped him close a huge sale. 

AdMall PRO was vital to the success of our company in helping to close a personal injury attorney for more than $100,000 annually,” said Hanus. 

We had been trying to get them back on air in cable television advertising with us for some time. In putting together the proposal for the client, I provided a one sheet with key industry information pulled from the Audience Intelligence report on personal injury attorneys. It provided talking points with the client and showed that the sales rep and I had done our research into the client's business.”

Next, I showed the client consumer spending on personal injury attorneys for the county that the client was looking to advertise in. I showed all the spending for each of the 10 counties in the client's market area and we uncovered there was opportunity for them to gain more share in another county that was a hot bed for personal injury cases.” 

Finally, I showed them a Digital Audit report which highlighted their digital strategy with google ads, social media, and organic traffic to their site. Using this data, we were able to make recommendations of our digital products to help complement the digital strategy the client already had in place so that they could run an optimal and more effective campaign.” 

This strategy proved effective as we were able to win over their business and close a very important sale. Our goal was to upsell them considerably for 2021, which we did by getting them up from $72,000 a year to $131,000 a year.” 

To read more about this winner, along with submitting your own story for a chance at a Sell Smarter Award, please visit SalesFuel​.com/​SSA.
