Sell Smarter Award Highlights AdMall's Digital Audit

BY Adam Ambro

Hi. I'm Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month's featured Sell Smarter Award — where we honor excellence in media sales.

Digital Sales Manager Megan Stratton of WRCB-​TV is no stranger to success. After having won an award in Q1 2019, she’s at it again, landing another massive sale with the help of AdMall. 

This time around, Stratton approached a car dealership that was very hesitant to enter into the world of digital advertising. The only online exposure they had was through car-​specific sites such as Cars​.com and Auto Trader. 

We have been trying to get into several dealers to talk to them about digital, but with all the third-​party vendors like Cars​.com and CarsGurus, it’s been a challenge,” said Stratton. “But I knew AdMall would have something great that I could use to get in the door.” 

Once Stratton met with the dealer, she quickly realized where AdMall's Digital Audit could be beneficial.

They were having a good amount of website traffic, but couldn’t figure out how to convert that traffic,” said Stratton. “They also were not super educated on how digital advertising could work for them, but we were able to change that mindset.” 

I took a Digital Audit and several notes from the Local Account Intelligence Report to secure a meeting. Once I was in, I found out that they were spending the bulk of their budget on direct mail. Being able to show them that their audience is on digital, consuming video, was the tipping point.” 

Not only did the dealership agree to Stratton’s pitch, but they’ve agreed to bring on their other two locations as well. As of now, Stratton has sold $26,700 worth of ads, with the hope of tripling that in the near future.

Congratulations to Megan Stratton, along with the other Sell Smarter Award recipients:

  • Brandy Myers of The Wichita Eagle
  • Colby Frost of Charter/​Spectrum

To read more about these winners, along with submitting your own story for a chance at a Sell Smarter Award, please visit SalesFuel​.com/​SSA.
