Go Green Activities: Environmentally-​Responsible Vacations

BY Rachel Cagle
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"A recent Ipsos survey conducted to help inform the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary’s future decisions examined Americans’ preferences for the types of vacations they like to take. Outside of who they vacation with, Americans were most interested in vacations that involved experiencing natural environments and their wildlife (71%), national parks (71%), or architectural or historic sites (68%)." Both state and national parks can take advantage of this interest and promote go green activities in the form of environmentally-​responsible vacations at the parks.

Park Vacations are the Go Green Activities Americans are Looking For

"Americans strongly believe that vacations are for learning and experiencing new things with three-​quarters of respondents reporting agreement with the statement," reports Ipsos. With more Americans becoming concerned about their environmental footprints, go green activities could be just the things they're hoping to learn about to become more environmentally conscious. Ipsos found that 58% of American vacationers are already doing their best to lessen the negative impact they leave on the environment while they travel, but that still leaves room for improvement for the other 42%. Also, environmentally conscious Americans are always looking for new ways to accomplish the goals they set for themselves. 

For example, Ipsos found that Americans ages 18 to 34 are even willing to pay more for environmentally-​conscious lodging and travel. And they're just the majority of the 47% of Americans who share this environmentally friendly belief. From travel options to hotels and even complete travel packages, Americans want to add their vacations to their list of go green activities they've completed this year.

Camping is a fantastic example of a go green activity. Campers get to interact with nature while using very few resources that could damage the earth. An additional benefit to such a vacation choice is, if the travelers choose to make this nature filled vacation one without the distraction of smartphones or other internet-​connected devices, it will give them an excellent opportunity to bond with the friends and family they're traveling with. That's the point of vacations that aren't taken solo, right? Experiencing something new with family and friends is a terrific way to make memories with and increase the bonds between each member. And they'll get to better experience the landscape and animal life around them without the temptation to have their noses in their phones every few minutes. State and national parks that offer designated camping sites would be the perfect locations for such escapades.

What better way to advertise the wonders of a nature-​filled vacation than to visually show it to State/​National Park Visitors? Last year, according to AudienceSCAN, these consumers took action after seeing visually-​based ads such as TV commercials, ads in magazines, internet banner ads and outdoor ads.

AudienceSCAN data is available for your applications and dashboards through the SalesFuel API. In addition, AdMall contains industry profiles on national parks and campgrounds and RV parks, as well as lead lists at the local level. Media companies, sales reps and agencies can access this data with a subscription to AdMall from SalesFuel.
