How to Turn Around Your Customer Service Disaster

BY Rachel Cagle
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It’s easy to give great customer service when everything is going smoothly, but it’s difficult not to
panic when things start going amiss. When your client’s faith in you is on the line, what do you need to do to earn it back? Myra Golden offers some helpful advice in her article, “Six Ways to Restore Customer Confidence When Things Go Wrong.”

1.     Apologize

All too often, a salesman’s first reaction when a client comes to him with a problem is to attempt to justify what occurred. While clients do expect an explanation, this approach comes off as you trying to remove the blame from yourself. You need to be focused on solving the problem. So, instead of shooting off possibilities of what could have happened, apologize to your client for the inconvenience and get to work solving the issue for him.

2.     Be Courteous

Wasting your time coming up with excuses instead of simply owning the situation, apologizing, and getting to work solving the problem can easily come off as being rude. If you try to defend yourself, it may appear that your priority is not about helping your client. Be courteous and apologize. Also, while the situation is being handled, it’s likely that your client will be on edge and even demanding until it’s fixed. You need to maintain your composure during this time. Stay calm, let him know that you understand his frustration, and keep him updated on your progress. Courtesy is key when it comes to regaining your client's trust.

3.     Prioritize

The efficiency with which you solve the problem at hand is crucial when maintaining your client’s loyalty. Once you are alerted to the problem, solve it as quickly and thoroughly as you are able. Putting it off will only draw out a bad situation and anger your client. If you solve the problem in a timely manner, you will show your client that he is a priority to you and that you strive to make his experience a pleasant one.

4.     Plan for the Future

Once the problem is solved, inform your client of what you have learned from this experience and, therefore, why the problem will not repeat itself in the future. You should also take this opportunity to regularly ask for feedback from your client. Inquire how your client felt you handled the situation and then consistently check up on him to make sure he doesn’t suspect further issues in the future.
