Why Video Marketing Must Match Steps in Sales Funnel

BY Rachel Cagle
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Creating only one or two types of videos is drastically limiting your client’s video potential and reach. Even consumers who loved your client’s videos when they first discovered their brand may become disappointed as they progress through the sales cycle. That’s why video marketing expansion must be a priority in 2024.

Why Video Marketing Must Match Steps in Sales Funnel

The Importance of Video

Making human connections in the digital age we live in is becoming increasingly important to consumers. That’s why video marketing is more important than ever. According to data from Content Marketing Institute, the top use of video in marketing is to create a human connection with consumers.

First of all, video lets consumers see the human side of your consumer’s business. It’s easier to trust and connect with other humans than it is to a corporation with a logo as a face. Second, video lets consumers feel as if they’re interacting with and learning from humans outside the company. This can be done through the use of video case studies and interviews with customers.

Plus, video let’s humans guide potential customers through every stage of the buying cycle.

Video and the Buyer’s Journey

Your client’s potential customers aren’t going to remain stagnant if they plan on making purchases from. That’s why video marketing must cover every stage of the buyer’s journey:

  • Awareness: When a consumer first discovers your client’s brand and is getting to know it
  • Consideration: The consumer is now aware of your brand and is evaluating its ability to meet their needs
  • Buying: When they’re narrowing down what to choose (usually between your client and the competition)
  • Post-​Purchase: When they expect communication from the brand on how to make the most of their purchase. And get help when needed

Consumers need video content throughout each of these stages to get the push they need. Not only for consumers to make a purchase, but to get the most out of it. Yet, according to CMI, most brands split their video content efforts unevenly:

  • 48% of the average brand’s videos are created for the brand awareness stage
  • 22% are dedicated to the consideration stage
  • 15% of videos target consumers in the buying stage
  • 15% of videos are meant for post-​purchase stage consumers

That’s incredibly uneven when each stage of the buyer’s journey is equally important. No wonder CMI says that only 7% of marketers are using video to its full potential. And marketers know it; only 14% of marketers report getting excellent results from their videos. The remaining 86% are only seeing average or below average results compared to their expectations.

How You Can Help

It’s time to let your client know why video marketing isn’t living up to their expectations. They need to dedicate more effort to the consideration, buying and post-​purchase stages of the buyer’s journey.

So, they need to make more videos that:

  • Compare their products and services to the competitions’
  • Feature customer success stories that help consumers see how your client can do the same for them
  • Showcase your client’s offerings’ capabilities
  • Offer training and other advice for new customer post-purchase

Brand awareness is exceedingly important, but it’s only the first step to getting potential customers to make purchases. And post-​purchase content is what turns them into loyal repeat customers.

Video and Your Client’s Target Customers

Want more personalized information on how your client’s target audience interacts with video content? Check out their profile(s) on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel. There, you can see how effective video ads are on this audience. And how to make videos that better resonate with them.

Now you know why video marketing hasn’t been meeting your client’s expectations. So, it’s time to take action and get those results for them.

Photo by: Brooke Cagle
