Your Clients Could be Using the Wrong Voice Search Keywords

BY Rachel Cagle
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Voice search keywords are crucial to your clients. Many, possibly you included, believe that voice search could be well on its way to becoming the most popular method to conduct searches via mobile device. You’re not entirely wrong, as Greg Sterling, writing for Search Engine Land, reports that voice search is second only to searches conducted on mobile browsers. Additionally, searches on mobile devices made up 59% of all searches in 2019.

However, there are details you and your clients need to know about the contents of those searches.

48% of consumers are utilizing voice search in lieu of typing out their inquiries. These consumers’ top searches include:

  • Looking up Facts: 68%
  • Getting Directions: 65%
  • Searching for Businesses: 47%
  • Product or Service Research: 44%

Voice search’s primary use to consumers continues to be location searches. Sterling says that 58% of American adults have searched for local businesses on their phones using voice search. Of those 58%, 74% conduct such search, at minimum, on a weekly basis. In comparison, 76% consumers who conduct voice searches on smart speakers look for local businesses weekly, and most of that those people actually search for local businesses on a daily basis. This activity shows how important it is for you to help your clients emphasize voice search keywords.

Voice search keywords reflecting your client’s business locations should be their primary focus when optimizing their search marketing efforts, followed by details of the products and services they offer. Retail usage has not made the leader board for voice search yet. Until it does, your clients should continue to focus on location and product information.

AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel has audience profiles for both Voice-​Activated Assistant Users and Voice-​Activated Smart Speaker Users. Who are they? What are their purchase intentions? What other kinds of searches are they conducting online that may not be through voice? What other types of marketing influence them the most? The answers to these questions and more can be found on their audience profiles.
