2 Misconceptions About You That are Hurting Your Sales

BY Rachel Cagle
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As easy as it is to point your finger at a prospect when a sale that should have been foolproof doesn’t close, have you ever stopped to consider maybe you’re the reason it fell through? Your product or service could be exactly what a client needs, but you’re also selling yourself in your sales pitch. Here are two ways sales consultant Brian Tracy thinks your potential clients may be viewing you that are ruining your sales.

Overly Enthusiastic

Excitement about your product or service is a fantastic selling tool. It’s even more effective when your excitement stems from how perfect the product will be for a potential buyer. However, some salespeople have the dangerous habit of overdoing their enthusiasm in an attempt to fully communicate their emotions. This effort makes your excitement seem fake. And being fake is generally associated with someone who is hiding something. Or, you could just be overwhelming the potential buyer since they don’t know you or your product well enough to understand these extreme emotions. Either way, “extreme” is never what you should be going for when it comes to sales communication. Let your excitement show, but never force it.

Just Another Salesperson”

As Tracy points out, we’re in the midst of the digital age. If a potential client has agreed to meet with you, they probably looked into who you are and what company you work for. They’ve been pitched the same types of products and services before. They’re able to search for price comparisons to see if they’re being given a good deal. That takes a lot away from being able to stand out during your sales pitch. So, you need to get creative. During your introduction, take a look around the prospect’s office. See anything that gives away an interest that you have in common? Point it out and strike up conversation about it. In fact, make your entire pitch follow that theme: a conversation. For too long, your prospects have been spoken at instead of engaged in a sales conversation. Make them feel involved, learn about them, talk with them instead of at them, and you’ll be more than “just another salesperson.”
