5 Ways to Develop a Top-​Notch Sales Pitch Presentation

BY Tim Londergan
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As B2B sales grow more competitive, a strong sales pitch presentation may determine whether you cruise or lose. Identifying pain points and developing a cohesive narrative will communicate the solutions that are crucial to your success. 

One Sales Pitch Presentation Does Not Fit All Prospects

The more specific and tailored you can be with your message the better. Often, we get into a sales routine that flows and feels natural but may miss essential elements for the client. Therefore, it’s important to leave room to change the message to meet the challenges of each individual prospect. 

1. Start with a solid strategy for specific solutions.

It’s imperative that you listen to your prospect BEFORE you craft a solution. Remember, prescription without diagnosis is malpractice. Any preemptive solution before discovery simply won’t work. 

Furthermore, research must proceed any attempt to provide a meaningful solution. You must arm yourself with as much information as possible to establish a platform for your sales pitch presentation.

2. Construct the presentation with a proven framework.

In addition to introducing your company differentiators, your message should open by addressing the pain points you intend to alleviate. This is the advice of Shani Sarid, writing for forabilis​.com.

The author recommends assuring the buyer that these solutions will be accompanied by support for their organization along the way. 

The fundamental presentation outline:

  • Identify the pain point.
  • Present your unique solution.
  • Explain how and why it works.
  • Justify why you can be trusted.
  • Describe what it takes to get there.
  • Define the next steps.

3. Storytelling will engage and compel the audience. 

Storytelling is a natural fit for B2B selling. The emotional connection of stories is powerful and can differentiate you and your product from your competition. 

Broadly, you must guide your audience through a logical flow using stories to create a memorable, vivid picture. The author suggests each story have a solid beginning, middle and end to ensure its effectiveness. 

Vitally, you must keep stories concise at around two minutes in length. Equally important, stories must be authentic, appealing and tailored to your audience. Spice up your narrative with case studies and powerful statistics to drive the point home.

When used correctly, stories are an incredibly powerful way to convince your prospects of the value of your solution. Additionally, stories featuring satisfied customers can build credibility and trust.

4. Simplify your message.

A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” 

If you insist on stuffing facts and figures into your sales pitch presentation you will lose your audience. The authors from atomic dust​.com recommend shortened copy accented with bullet points in visual presentations. 

Likewise, it’s imperative to consider that your audience doesn’t need all the information. Provide just enough intriguing material to keep them engaged. Remember, furthering agreement and encouraging action are your primary objectives. 

Ideally, each segment of content reflects your brand and your solution narrative. Your product message should align with your intentions, your team and the unique problem it solves. Strive to connect and engage the buyer while demonstrating both the value and efficiency of your offer. 

5. Prepare buyer-​focused questions and practice, practice, practice.

You needn’t wait until the end of your pitch to ask questions of the buyer. In fact, interspersing questions throughout helps to engage and create rapport with the audience. Encouraging others to talk will keep them on their toes and stimulate valuable conversation. 

Preparation is the key to a great sales pitch presentation. Any visual elements you employ exist to help you stay on track. Don’t memorize but practice all material to advance a confident and natural conversation with the potential customer. 

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood pexels​.com. 
