A Prescription for Success

BY Adam Ambro
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Challenge: Marketing a bold health care plan

Recently, a family doctor turned entrepreneur had a radical idea: Ditch the traditional insurance model and, instead, offer his patients membership-​based care. Upon discovering this, Marketing Executive Shawna Hanson, of LocaliQ, saw an opportunity.

Because this health care model is new to our area, it was taking time to educate the community so people understand the benefits of using these services,” said Hanson. “He is very focused on families and individuals with high deductible insurance plans, all fees and much less expensive than the traditional health care services we are accustomed to.”

Solution: Use AdMall’s health care and AudienceSCAN Data

Hanson, a 20-​year veteran of media sales, not to mention a five-​year AdMall user, knew exactly where to look for research related to the doctor’s plan.

I was able to utilize several of the sales tools in AdMall Pro to help build the story of why I was recommending specific products as they fell in line with patients' media usage and trends in the health care industry,” said Hanson. “I used the [AudienceSCAN profiles] to help build the stories as to what types of products I’m recommending. I include many of these insights in my presentations, which also shows that I’ve done my homework and understand the client’s industry.”

Hanson’s advertising pitch included print, paid search and social ads. It also comprised a listings campaign since, in addition to coming up with the innovative business model, the doctor was also new to the area and in need of exposure from a traditional standpoint. Presented with Hanson’s solid campaign and wealth of information, the doctor was quickly on board.

Result: A six-​month commitment and a healthy future ahead

I secured a six-​month campaign and he is very happy with the initial success,” said Hanson. “His focus has been on leads, appointments scheduled and amount of memberships acquired. We are only two months into the campaign, but he is feeling strong about reaching his aggressive goals.”

The final total for Hanson’s deal was $15,457.86.
