AdMall's Consumer Spending and Prospect By Month Features Make the Sale

BY Kathy Crosett

Hi. I’m Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month’s featured Sell Smarter Award — where we honor excellence in media sales. 

Kyle Henke, of WFAA-​TV in Dallas, Texas, was quick to take advantage of AdMall reports in his pitch to a local jewelry store. The store owner was finding it hard to compete as a high-​end independent retailer against the bigger brand names. 

To address this problem, Henke utilized AdMall’s Consumer Spending Locator for the area. Henke could accurately portray how much consumers were likely to spend within the year and within that targeted sales zone. He then reached out to the owner with the results. Seeing how much customers were going to spend in their area made this an easy yes for the business and a $24,000 sale for a traditional television campaign. All of this was possible by Henke first using the Prospect by Month tool. There, Henke was able to see the peak sales months for this business and stay ahead of his competition.

For those interested in the Consumer Spending Locator and the Prospect by Month tools, as well as other reports, visit the featured webpage of AdMall. For more information on how to use these tools, sign up for one of free AdMall 101 webinars in the Learning Center. 

Congratulations to Kyle, along with the other Sell Smarter Award recipients: 

  • Tiffany Marchand of Tri-​County Times
  • Mark Wert of Daily Item
  • Pamela LaPierre of WSBT-TV
  • Jordan Estes of The Statesville Record & Landmark
  • Jessie Latham of OnMedia

To find out how you can qualify for a Sell Smarter Award, visit SalesFuel​.com/​SSA.
