Best Audience Intelligence Secrets to Influence Hispanic Consumers

BY Rachel Cagle
audience intelligence

Did you know that Hispanic consumers are responsible for 71% of the U.S. population growth between 2022 and 2023? And this audience has more than $3 trillion in purchasing power, according to Nielsen. Here’s the audience intelligence your client needs to influence them with ads.

Winning Over Hispanic Consumers with Audience Intelligence

A Brief Glimpse at the Hispanic Consumer Audience

Before we can dive into how to sway the Hispanic consumer audience, let’s get to know them. According to Nielsen’s audience intelligence, here are some facts you and your client should know:

  • There are 65 million Hispanic consumers in the U.S. (that’s 19% of the total population)
  • They have $3.4 in purchasing power
  • Their median age is 31 years old
  • 68% speak some Spanish
  • 32% speak only Spanish

How they spend the time they dedicate to media is divided as such:

  • App/​Web use on a Smartphone: An average of a little over 18 hours per week
  • Traditional TV: An average of about 15 hours per week
  • CTV: An average of about 13.25 hours per week
  • Radio: An average of nearly 9 hours per week
  • Social Media: An average of nearly 7 hours per week

Want to learn more about these consumers (like what ad media types they prefer and more demographic information)? Check out the Spanish Speakers and Affluent Hispanics audience profiles on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel. You’ll find a ton of audience intelligence between those two profiles.

How to Use TV Ads

One of the key drivers of Hispanic consumers are TV ads, according to Nielsen. Their viewing is divided between:

Broadcast television remains a significant player,” says Nielsen, “particularly among Spanish-​language dominant Hispanics, where it captures 28.4% of viewership—nearly 8 points higher than the total U.S. This indicates a sustained demand for culturally relevant programming often provided by Spanish-​language broadcast networks.”

Nielsen also highlights that Hispanic consumers are boosting the popularity of soccer in the U.S. In particular:

  • Copa America Finals: 53% of audience viewership in 2024 was made up of Hispanic consumers
  • Euro Cup Finals: 40%

Other major sporting events’ (World Series, Super Bowl and NBA Finals) audiences were only 15%, 14% and 13% made up of Hispanic consumers in 2024, respectively.

However, Hispanic consumers have also shown growing interest in NCAA Women’s Basketball. Growth of Hispanic viewership during the NCAA Championship has grown by 354% between 2021 and 2024.

So, your client should consider placing their TV ads targeting Hispanic consumers during soccer and NCAA games. And don’t forget Spanish-​language broadcast networks.

Social Media

Nielsen also points out that Hispanic consumers’ love for sports extends beyond watching them on TV. These consumers also follow many athletes on social media.

This could be an opportunity to partner with soccer players as influencers for your client’s brand. Or, at the very least, your client’s social posts can be sports themed to draw consumer attention.


According to Nielsen, “Hispanic sports fans are enthusiastic about the brands who support the sports they care about.” In fact, compared to the U.S. population as a whole, Hispanic consumers are 32% more likely to consider a brand that sponsors the sports they follow.

They’re also 29% more likely to choose a sponsor’s product over the competitions’ as long as price and quality are the same. Plus, they’re 37% more likely to feel loyal to that brand and 39% more likely to recommend the brand.

Your client should take advantage of Hispanic consumers’ love for sports and incorporate it into upcoming ad strategies. This audience intelligence could be the boost in sales your client has been looking for.

Photo by: Ron Sinda
