Do Your Clients Know These New Blog Marketing Trends?

BY Kathy Crosett

Content marketing is a huge part of every marketer’s toolkit. In particular, blog posts can add credibility to an organization. Most marketers don’t have time to produce quality posts. If you’re selling digital marketing services, check out the latest recommendations about how to optimize blog content for your clients.

Blog Post Length

Not long ago, the thinking about blog posts was to publish frequently and to write shorter articles. Orbit Media reports that, since 2014, the length of the typical blog post has been creeping up. In 2014, the average post consisted of 808 words. This year, bloggers are putting up articles that have about 1,142 words. Not surprisingly, the amount of time needed to create a post has increased, too. Today’s average blog post takes 3 hours and 20 minutes to write.

Blog Post Frequency

This trend may seem strange, considering that people often complain about spending too much time reading. The flip side of the longer blog posts is that sites are posting fewer times each week. Previously, marketers put fresh content on their sites every day. This year, 45% of bloggers believe that a weekly post is sufficient.

Bloggers in this survey also noted that they felt spending more time on each post allowed them to produce quality work that is more valuable to their readers. Your clients should take note of this trend and lean toward becoming experts in narrow, but deep, niches to distinguish themselves from competitors when it comes to content marketing.


Your clients can get mileage from blogs and articles which are shared online. One metric related to sharing is the length of titles. Marketingprofs​.com cites a Venngage analysis of over 121,000 posts. Researchers checked out how often articles were shared on major social sites, based on title length. It turns out that posts with 10 words in the titles were shared an average of 622 times on Facebook and 131 times on LinkedIn. Readers also seemed particularly excited about ‘listicle’ format posts which have the numeral ‘10’ in the title. The second most popular title length for article sharing was 5 words. Warn your clients to stay away from posts that have two-​word titles. These posts are least likely to be shared.

It might be time to talk with your clients about the digital marketing services you provide and explain how you'll stay current with the latest trends to be sure their blog content is shared and delivers a solid ROI.
