Do Your Clients Know These Key Digital Video Advertising Tips?

BY Rachel Cagle
digital video advertising

The value of digital video can’t be beat, according to 50% of advertisers. But that doesn’t mean your client can just utilize video and call it a day. Here are four digital video advertising tips to make the most effective ads possible.

Creating the Best Digital Video Advertising

According to TikTok, there’s a set of “universal truths” to mastering digital video advertising. The first is to take advantage of trends.

Songs, dances, challenges, sound effects, etc. start trending because consumers like them. When they watch a certain type of video a lot, they tend to get and watch even more of it. If your client’s brand takes advantage of a trend, the video could end up in front of more people.

Taking advantage of video trends can also make your client’s brand more relatable and humanized. Consumers like seeing humanity behind brands, and digital video advertising can help a lot with that. Seeing employees, or the CEO, doing a viral dance/​challenge can influence consumers to take a closer look at the brand.

Just make sure you keep up to date on trends and act fast. TikTok warns that trends tend to quickly gain traction that dissipates just as quickly. Jumping on a trend late can make your client seem out of touch.

Tell a Story

Not all digital video advertising should be hoping on trends to make your client’s brand more relatable. When your client is promoting a product or service that needs a description, make it a narrative.

Start with a hook that uses key words to grab the user’s attention. Don’t be afraid to break the fourth wall and talk directly to viewers like you’re having a conversation. Asking a question can be a great starter.

Then provide more details in the body that draw in the viewer. Make sure it’s informative, but keep it entertaining, too. Then drive it home with a strong call to action.

TikTok says that a great example of structure in digital video advertising are “aha moments.” These “typically involve a light moment or situation that’s familiar to most people but then reveals something unique; the “problem-​solutions,” which introduces a relatable problem and presents the solutions.” “Journeys, which are more complex stories, including guides, episodic content, news coverage, and humor,” are also effective.

Make Sure the Video is High Quality

Consumers love buying the latest smartphones so that they can watch content with even better graphics. If they see a low-​quality resolution or overall low-​quality digital video advertising, they’ll skip it. They may even think poorly of the brand that chose to post such a video.

So, digital video advertising needs to be high res for consumers to take notice of it. TikTok also recommends shooting the video vertically so that it shows up better on smartphones. Let’s be honest, consumers are watching videos on phones way more than laptops or desktops.

Stimulate the Audience’s Senses

Digital video advertising is super effective because it’s more entertaining to absorb than other media types. Take advantage of its capabilities to get more attention and encourage viewers to take action.

For example, TikTok recommends:

  • Always using music: Video can stimulate both sight and sound. Don’t limit it!
  • Including transitions: According to TikTok, transitions increase a video’s impact and help consumers remember it. Don’t be afraid to use special effects to merge two clips to make it more visually appealing and entertaining
  • Using text overlays: This is text that’s added over the video that’s playing. It helps viewers focus on the important aspects and talking points using visual guidance
  • Adding brand cues: Viewers should always know that it’s your client’s brand’s video without looking at the profile name. Be sure your client’s logo is visible in some way…but not overwhelmingly to the point of distraction from the content

Where to Post Your Client’s Video Ads

Your client’s websites and social media accounts are a great place to start. Learn which social platforms will be best for your client’s digital video advertising efforts. Look up their target audience’s profile on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel.

Photo by: Boudewijn Huysmans
