Sales consultants often present the latest and greatest negotiation ‘hacks’ guaranteed to bring success. These tips may address procedural issues, or a win-win mindset steeped in the practice of game theory. And, of course, building trust and knowing when to walk away are crucial yet expected tactics.
But consider the significance of a renewed perspective. One that incorporates our counterpart’s view. Indeed, sales success can be achieved by working across boundaries to increase the size of the pie.
Actual Sales Success in Negotiation is NOT I Win, You Lose
B2B sales negotiation should NOT be a game of chess where one person wins at the expense of the other. In this zero-sum game, there is no net gain or loss.
However, in a positive-sum game, the losses and gains are greater than zero, meaning both sides advance. When we shift from cost-driven evaluations to value-based assessments there is greater opportunity for mutual gain.
Therefore, with a deep understanding of both parties' underlying interests, we create value and develop rewards for both sides. True sales success is born from increasing the negotiating pie.
Value Creation is the Process of Weighing the Issues for Each Side
A Harvard Business Review article by Max H. Bazerman chastises negotiators for assuming the negotiating pie is of fixed size. Brazerman believes businesspeople are less inclined to engage in problem-solving and consequently have trouble finding mutually beneficial deals. He emphasizes the crucial first step of thinking through all the issues that the two sides might care about.
Initially, the goal is to identify the broad list of issues and then determine their relative importance. The author states the metric might be in dollars or points. Scoring systems help negotiators evaluate offers from the other party and structure their own offers strategically.
Obviously, scoring is subjective and based on numerous conditions, but a likely value is needed for appraisal and comparison. Genuine sales success requires establishing value for each negotiated issue.
Discuss Each Issue Before Finalizing ANY Issue
Every complex negotiation will have ‘easy’ issues and ‘tough’ issues. Bazerman says to avoid finalizing agreement on any one issue before you’ve had the opportunity to discuss them all. He reasons that only when you understand the totality of issues can you explore trades and create value.
Too often, negotiators fail to share information about preferences fearing exploitation by their opponent. Consequently, they keep their cards hidden and assume that this is the secret to being a tough negotiator. Authentic sales success requires information to resolve conflicts and reach efficient agreements.
Strategies to Elicit Information Needed to Create Value
Bazerman offers schemes to pull information from those unwilling to surrender it. The strategies are listed here. It’s recommended you become familiar with all of them. Below are two that will bring sales success and belong in your negotiation skillset.
Give away some information.
In a negotiation when trust is low, the other side may not respond in good faith. When this occurs, consider giving away some information.
Apparently, reciprocal behavior is a human trait. If you receive others with kindness and a smile you will be rewarded likewise. Similarly, if you provide useful and honest information to your opponent, you are likely to receive information in return.
Make multiple offers simultaneously.
Instead of making just one offer at a time, make several at once. Bazerman cautions that the offers should be of equal value to you but differ from one another on the matters at stake. Use the issues of variable worth to your opponent and combine them in a menu from which they can select.
This strategy places the ball firmly in your opponent’s court. This tactic elicits information and forces discussion of all your menu items. With this knowledge you can determine your best path forward.
Finding mutually beneficial trades through negotiation is the goal. Increasing the size of the pie is the pathway to sales success.
Photo by Tom Davis on Pexels.com