Easy Ways to Boost Brand Lift

BY Kathy Crosett
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Are your clients worried about whether they’re spending their ad money at the right point in the sales cycle? If they are not sure where their campaigns are having an impact, brand lift research can help. Specifically, new studies show that when consumers pay attention to ad campaigns, purchase intent increases.

Brand Lift Studies

Marketers spend huge sums to produce entertaining and attention-​getting ads. Recently Havas Media Network reviewed the relationship between online ads, viewability and the actions taken by target audiences. The analysts point out that “There is a big difference between having the ‘opportunity to see’ an ad and actually looking at it.”

For many years, advertisers have obsessed about the viewability of their digital ads and wanting to be “above the fold.” Viewability is important. 

But a bigger factor for predicting a consumer’s click-​and-​convert behavior is attention. Brand lift studies can detect whether ad campaigns are attracting attention. These studies measure, “how marketing efforts influence consumer perceptions and behaviors towards a brand.”

Not surprisingly, researchers report that marketers can boost consumer attention through multiple strategies. For example, researchers say “ad frequency drives attentive reach.” The Havas Media study results also show “multiple short attentive experiences drive brand awareness, while sustained attention drives action.”

Advertising in Multiple Formats

In addition to brand lift surveys, let your clients know that appearing in multiple formats quantifiably increases awareness. It’s one thing to assume that target audiences will see ads if they are visible in more than one place. Measuring the specific impact makes the point.

Home Screen

LG Ad Solutions partnered with MediaScience recently to measure brand awareness. In the study, researchers made use of multiple screens, including the “home screen of smart TVs.” The home screen of smart TVs is increasingly valuable. Consumers spend a fair amount of time reviewing their viewing options before they move from that screen.

Connected TV and Mobile Video

During that time, they can see an advertiser’s message. When an advertiser combines that screen time with connected TV and mobile video ads, awareness improves. Researchers found a 4.7 times increased awareness of a brand in their testing.

Even better, consumers increased their brand consideration by 11.2 times after they viewed ads in multiple formats. Your clients may be set on using a specific media format because they have had good responses in the past. Remind them that traditional media formats are quickly losing their effectiveness with many audiences.

Once they move past their home screen to view the content they want to see, another ad that appears from your client will make an impact. And these days, more consumers are turning to FAST channels.

They don’t mind watching a few ads in exchange for a lower cost subscription to their favorite providers.

Consumers do not watch TV to the exclusion of other media formats. For example, they check their mobile phones constantly. Seeing messages from the same advertiser in both places improves awareness.

The Power of Audience Intelligence

You can close more deals with clients by helping them target the right audiences with the right media format. AdMall’s AudienceSCAN data reveals important details such as that 39% of Yoga Enthusiasts have responded to streaming TV ads in the past 30 days. The ads drove 58% of these consumers to do an online search on the advertiser.

If your clients need to reach a B2B audience, the AdMall’s B2B BuyerSCAN study can help. In the past 30 days, 49% of business leaders who want to rent short-​term office space responded to mobile ads. 58% of these B2B shoppers visited the advertiser’s website.

Driving brand lift requires constant measurement and adjustment. With the right tactics and intelligence tools, you can help your clients reach their goals.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.
