Bathroom Remodeling Company Spends over $100K on TV/​OTT Services

BY Adam Ambro
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Challenge: Owning local bathroom remodeling sales recognition

Mackenzie Voet, an account executive from Effectv, has sold media advertising for five years and has a great motto that proved effective when she approached a local bathroom remodeling business.

Media sales is very competitive, and businesses are approached by different media reps every day,” said Voet. “You have to have the background knowledge of the business with the expertise of your products you’re selling to make yourself stand out and close the sale. I’ve learned the acronym, ‘JETBD,’ which means in any interaction with a client, especially a new industry, you don’t need to know the ins and outs about everything, but you do need to know ‘Just Enough To Be Dangerous.'"

With this attitude in mind, when Voet spoke to the bathroom remodeling company, she needed to understand their situation a little bit more.

Their current challenge was owning their backyard in sales,” said Voet. “There are a lot of competitors within the city. This company was losing sales within their ‘sales’ radius of 10–15 miles but getting larger sales and stronger closing ratios within a 30–60 mile radius.”

Solution: Turn to AdMall’s local targeting tools

AdMall helped identify [the bathroom remodeling’s] target consumer, which shifted their advertisement campaign with us at Effectv and helped them reevaluate their target sales radius, to heavy up or lighten advertisement campaigns in specific areas,” said Voet.

The Local Account Intelligence Report helped me get a background of this industry. From this report, I was able to ask good discovery questions to the business owner and help him rethink his marketing strategy. The report was able to match up to his peak sales month, the value of his new customer, and the media response habits of his target consumers, that built his trust in me, which helped me close the sale.”

The campaign Voet designed had traditional elements but also included a unique community outreach program as well.

[I pitched them on] awareness ads to build their brand and differentiate them from their competition,” said Voet.  “We are also working on an ad that ties in their support to children born cleft lips and cleft palates. This business owner raises money every year for families who have children born with cleft lips and cleft palates.  They will advertise to give back to the families in the community.”

Result: A sale worth more than $100K

After her pitch, the bathroom remodeling company decided to spend $8,500 a month as she proposed, for a total of $102,000.

Along with a TV campaign, I sold a streaming TV and video campaign,” said Voet. “We can reach their target audience, homeowners with a high household income, interested in bathroom remodel services, whenever they are watching video content through their streaming devices, phones, laptops, etc.  We can also provide transparent reporting with these digital elements, such as how the content was delivered, how many impressions, what devices it was delivered on, how many hours were spent engaged with their video, and more.”

AdMall’s Local Account Intelligence Report is available for over 400+ business types and provides a myriad of research from the local, state and national level. It is the baseline report a rep should run before their first sales call, putting them on a level playing field with a potential client.

Everything including market demographics, consumer spending, marketing/​budget figures, top products sold, industry challenges and opportunities, and more can be found in this report. If you’d like to learn more about the Local Account Intelligence Report, feel free to register for the next AdMall 101 webinar in AdMall’s Learning Center.
