Whether you’ve realized it or not, your day probably revolves around a fairly consistent routine. Not just when you have to wake up, go to work or go to sleep, either. You probably (hopefully) have time set aside to de-stress in various ways throughout your day. Some time may be set aside to read, exercise, play video games, watch your favorite shows or hang out with your family, friends, pet, etc. But did you know that 40% of consumers who listen to audio content plan their day and activities around that content? Your client should take advantage of that when placing their audio ads.
How to Connect Your Client’s Audio Ads to Consumers’ Daily Routines
What Consumers are Doing
According to data from Magna, “74% of listeners consume audio during their daily rituals.” Not only does audio offer increased enjoyment during rituals, it can also help motivate and energize listeners during these activities. Consumers listen to audio while they’re:
- Running errands: 85% of listeners listen to content while they’re doing this
- Doing home maintenance: 84%
- Exercising outside: 83%
- Cooking: 83%
- Driving: 83%
- Commuting home from work or school: 82%
- Eating breakfast: 81%
- Eating lunch: 81%
- Eating dinner: 81%
- Cleaning: 81%
- Having “me” time: 73%
- Putting children to bed: 70%
- Commuting to work or school: 63%
That’s a lot of audio time throughout the day! Plenty of opportunity to place your client’s audio ads.
Making Audio Ads More Effective
Energy and Excitement
Magna says that listeners who are energized and excited by audio are more receptive to audio ads. Of course, your client’s ads have to reflect that energy and excitement. Audio ads that are energizing and exciting help consumers be more open to listening to them and catch consumers’ attention.
Consumers prefer to hear audio ads that are relevant to what they’re listening to and doing. When your client places ads on podcasts and news radio stations with set themes, that’s easy to do. When it comes to listeners listening to general music, radio and such while performing different rituals, your client will have to rely on timing. Most of the rituals in the bullets above have certain times associated with them. Consumers tend to eat their daily meals, commute, put kids to bed, prepare meals, exercise and such around the same times every day. Your client just needs to cater their ads to each activity and place them in the proper time slot. For example, they could place audio ads for children’s toys and other products around 8 p.m. or 9 p.m. when parents are putting children to bed and in the mindset of caring for their children’s wants and needs.
Magna says that when a brand’s audio ads feel relevant to consumers, their:
- Opinion of the brand increases by 8%
- Search intent increases by 12%
- Purchase intent increases by 9%
Which Rituals Do Your Client’s Customers/Potential Customers Follow?
In order to cater your client’s audio ads to their target audience’s rituals, you first need to know which rituals they participate in. Well, everyone eats at least one of the core meals per day, so those are universal. Many people commute to and from their 9–5 jobs outside those hours, so that’s another safe bet. But when it comes to exercising, putting kids to bed, etc., how can you be sure that your client’s target customers are even performing those rituals?
AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel can help. Look up your client’s target audience’s profile to learn various facts about their lifestyle, such as what percentages of them:
- Are parents
- Own pets (and what kind)
- Commute (and how long it is)
- Are members of fitness clubs or gyms
- Go for runs/jogs
With that information, you can easily determine which of your client’s products and/or services you should promote via audio ads and when.
Photo by Filip Mroz