Manage Smarter 114 — Kristie Knights: Managing Coronavirus Anxiety Among Your Team

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Kristie Knights is a licensed professional counselor and has been in private practice for 20 years. She is an expert in trauma and suicidology. She is also the Founder of iRise Leadership — a non-​profit with the mission to eradicate suicide. They offer training, education, and resources in suicide awareness and prevention to leaders, the community, organizations, schools, churches, and the corporate world.

Kristie is also the best selling author of UnSung Heroes: Deconstructing Suicide through Stories of Triumph.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to remote meeting platform strain caused by more people working from home than ever, there is some audio dropout throughout this recording.

In this episode, Audrey, Lee and Kristie discuss:

  • How managers can implement a culture of more empathy and allowance of negative feelings in the workplace.
  • The difference between anxiety attack and full-​blown depression
  • Tips and habits to improve your self-​care during adversity and crisis
  • Tips on how to provide you and your family structure as you work from home.
  • Ideas on how to visit virtually with family and friends to stay connected and not isolate yourself.

"This is a time for leaders who do very well with boots-​on-​the-​ground, high crisis mentality to really shine. And for those who struggle, to really listen up and lean on those types of leaders within their organization who do well with that type of mentality."

Kristie Knights

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