Manage Smarter 123 — Dr. John Johnson: Economic Data Reveals COVID-​19 Opportunities

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Dr. John Johnson is a PhD economist and the CEO of Edgeworth Analytics, a DC-​based data consulting firm that empowers professionals to unlock data’s potential.

John understands how to transform companies’ raw, messy data into meaningful analysis and reliable results that empower informed decision-​making. A teacher at heart, John is known for his ability to explain technical concepts simply and clearly.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to remote meeting platform strain caused by more people working from home than ever, there is some audio dropout throughout this recording.

In this episode, Audrey, Lee and John discuss:

  • Economic data on time and possible date on when the economy may start to recover and thoughts on the rehiring process for unemployed COVID-​19 workers
  • Economic analysis on your business, demand for what you sell, remote working and extra costs potentially of reopening
  • Risk of infections of workers vs. running a remote business data points
  • Customer base analysis
  • Process for you to dig deep into data for your department and business to help make business decisions in the pandemic

"How have they reopened, what types of strategies are effective and what kind of strategies are spiking the number of cases?"

Dr. John Johnson

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