Manage Smarter 142 — Sophie Chiche: Helping Your Team Deal with Stress and Find Happiness

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Sophie Chiche, founder of Life by me, Shape House and the latest adventure, becurrent. Serial entrepreneur always on the lookout for concepts that moves the needle of the human experience. She’s earned masters degrees in business and journalism in her native city of Paris, France and added one in psychology soon after she moved to Los Angeles in 1993. 

Sophie has given two successful TEDx talks and co-​authored the well-​received book, “The Power of Personal Accountability: Achieve what Matters to You.” This amazing woman has also lost and kept off 200 pounds, transforming herself and her life. 

In this episode, Audrey, Lee and Sophie discuss:

  • Implementing active choices daily in COVID-​19 to make the happiest, best experience you can have moment to moment
  • How to avoid stress eating in the pandemic
  • How to embrace feelings and use them to find a way to happiness
  • How to help your team deal with anxiety during this challenging time

"This one day I woke up and I literally had this voice, I heard it as a voice, intuition. It said you can have everything you want, but before I want you to feel what you're feeling right now."

Sophie Chiche

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