Manage Smarter 232 — Stephanie Nivinskus — 5 Reasons Why You're Not MakingSales Goals

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Stephanie Nivinskus is the CEO of SizzleForce Marketing, an agency that helps scaling companies get noticed and attract more clients on a daily basis. Since 1995, she has developed and executed brand-​building campaigns for companies including Starbucks, The NFL, Quiksilver, and thousands of small businesses.

In this episode, Stephanie's insights shed light on the common reasons behind sales challenges and provide valuable strategies for sales teams to address these issues. By understanding and addressing these factors, businesses can improve their sales performance and achieve their goals.

A Story Brand Certified Guide and Certified Partner of Digital Marketer, Stephanie has written for Forbes & Entrepreneur magazines and she is the author of the International #1 Bestseller, "Absolutely Unforgettable: The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Creating A Heart-​Centered Brand And Standing Out In A Noisy World."

In this podcast for sales managers and sales leaders, Audrey, and Stephanie Nivinskus discuss 5 explanations as to why your products or services aren’t selling

Reason 1: Message Resonance

  • Your message isn't resonating with customers at an emotional level
  • Customers may resonate with your message logically, but it's not reaching their hearts
  • Stephanie emphasizes the importance of appealing to customers' emotions to drive sales

Reason 2: Giving Up Too Soon

  • Only 2% of sales come after the first meeting
  • Many salespeople give up after just one or two rejections, leaving potential sales on the table
  • It's essential to follow up on leads and persist in sales efforts

Reason 3: Lack of Social Proof

  • Social proof plays a crucial role in influencing purchasing decisions
  • Stephanie highlights the impact of social proof on customer behavior and the importance of intentional efforts to secure social proof

Reason 4: Selling Features, Not Benefits

  • Focusing on product features rather than the benefits to customers can hinder sales
  • Stephanie emphasizes the need to communicate the value and benefits of a product or service to potential customers

Reason 5: Not Creating a Sense of Urgency

  • Creating a sense of urgency is essential to prompt customers to make a decision
  • Stephanie discusses the role of fear of missing out (FOMO) as a powerful motivator in driving sales

"I will tell you I am a firm believer there’s 5 emotional motivators that prompt people to pull out their wallets over and over and over.” (Listen to the show to find out what they are)

Stephanie Nivinskus

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