Quickly Reach Valuable Audiences as a Podcast Sponsor

BY Rachel Cagle
podcast sponsor

Did you know that the majority of American consumers listen to podcasts every month? It’s an activity consumers of all ages love to do. And they're eager to learn about the latest podcast sponsor of their favorite programs.

Increase Brand Awareness by Becoming a Podcast Sponsor

Podcasts’ Reach

According to a report by Sounds Profitable, 53% of Americans ages 18+ listen to podcasts at least monthly. This is the first time Sounds Profitable has been able to list podcast listening as majority behavior. Consumers say they’ve listened to podcasts:

  • Within the last week: 37% of consumers agree
  • In the last month: 16%
  • In the past year: 13%

Of those who listened within the past month, 36% were ages 18–34, 36% were 35–54 and 28% were 55+. Those listeners were 56% male and 44% female. That makes podcast audiences pretty well-​rounded in terms of basic demographics.

Expanding demographics to race and ethnicity, podcast listeners within the past month are divided as such:

  • Hispanic: 63%
  • Asian: 62%
  • Black: 59%
  • White: 52%

57% of the LGBTQ+ community are monthly podcast listeners. Talk about far reaching!

What They’re Listening To

To reach these consumers as a podcast sponsor, your client needs to know what motivates them to listen in. And when they’re listening. Sounds Profitable says that consumers listen:

  • To discussions of topics they’re interested in: 85% of consumers who have ever listened to podcasts agree
  • In the car or while traveling: 65%
  • While walking or exercising: 61%
  • For something to keep them company: 60%
  • While doing household chores: 58%
  • To get news or political analysis: 54%
  • To learn about new hobbies: 54%
  • For business news and information: 52%

The podcast genres that have been consumed the most over the past 30 days are:

  • Comedy
  • News
  • Sports
  • Political Talk
  • True Crime

Podcast listeners are also likely to listen to a podcast:

  • About one of their favorite TV shows or movies: 53% of consumers agree
  • Produced by one of their favorite TV shows or movies: 50%
  • Hosted by one of their favorite celebrities or creators from another medium: 47%
  • About one of their favorite brands or products: 43%

Want to know which types of programming your client’s target audience are most likely to listen to? Check out their profile on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel. That way, you’ll know which programs to look for when recommending that your client becomes a podcast sponsor.

Sponsoring Podcasts

According to a previous SalesFuel blog, based on data from eMarketer, podcast listeners trust the podcast’s host. Their opinion matters; that’s why people are listening to them.

When it comes to podcast ads, ads that are read by the host are more effective. When they’re read, it seems more like the host cares about what’s being advertised. So, listeners are more likely to pay attention to and trust these ads and brands.

Think what being a podcast sponsor can do for your client’s brand!

The host will be the one thanking the sponsors, so the audience will be listening and paying attention. Consider if the host can also talk about their positive interactions with your client’s brand. If the host recommends their products or services personally, your client will get a good reaction from the audience.

And even if the host doesn’t talk about a podcast sponsor themselves, there are still benefits. Take esports, for example. 35% of fans will try a brand that sponsors their favorite teams. Your client will probably get the same reaction from sponsoring a podcast that their target audience loves.

These tips can help your client become a podcast sponsor for the right broadcast to improve brand awareness and sales.

Photo by: Soundtrap
