Sales Hooks That Snap Prospects to Attention

BY Jessica Helinski
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Hooks, whether part of a catchy song or the introduction of a written article, serve to catch people’s interest and attention. And reps can use sales hooks to do the same. Great sales hooks can help salespeople immediately grab a prospect’s attention, giving you a chance to continue the phone call, email, or conversation. “A good hook is imperative for holding your audience's attention, and ultimately convincing your audience that you're worth hearing out,” writes HubSpot’s Caroline Forsey.

Sales hooks: What are they?

Basically, a sales hook is like an elevator speech; it’s a condensed version of what you offer and why it’s valuable. “A sales hook should be a quick, 1–2‑minute rundown of how your product or service can help your prospect,” she writes. “A concise, persuasive sales hook opens the door to longer conversations down the line.”

Great sales hooks can be delivered anywhere and at any time, whether it’s email or while networking at an event. But salespeople do need to be conscious of how they craft them, as not all hooks are going to be convincing.

How to craft them

Forsey shares some best practices for crafting effective sales hooks, starting with research. Just like with any other times you make contact with a prospect, make sure you’ve educated yourself about them and their business. You want to come across as knowledgeable and credible, which can happen simply by do a quick check on LinkedIn or their website.

Consider, for instance, what your prospects' goals are — and then work backwards,” she recommends. “What potential challenges could inhibit your prospect from reaching their goals? What are they missing in their current strategy? How can you save them time or money?”

Make sure your sales hooks are personalized to each person you speak with. Doing so will have maximum impact and make you stand out from the crowd of generic messages your prospects face every day.

Focus on their pain points

Your sales hook needs to be attention-​getting which is why mentioning specific pain points will up the wow factor. Prospects won’t expect you to know this about them, and they’re used to salespeople typically rattling on about themselves. As Forsey points out, “Figuring out your customer's biggest pain points is vital for creating a narrative in which your product or service becomes a necessity to your customer's success or long-​term growth.”

Not sure how to effectively uncover pain points? Check out these tips.

Have fun with it

Sales hooks don’t need to be dry and ultra-​formal. Remember, prospects are people with their own interests, personalities and sense of humor. Shake things up by injecting some humor or unique details into your hook; it will grab their attention way faster than a basic tired elevator speech.

Adding a personal touch shows the prospect you've done your research, and it will ideally also make them smile,” Forsey writes. “These prospects are people, after all, with a myriad of interests and hobbies outside of work — figure out how to connect with them on a personal level, and you'll find it easier to gain their trust and establish a strong relationship from the beginning.”

Following this tip can boost your likeability, which is important to nearly 30% of B2B buyers, according to SalesFuel research. A fun sales hook can be a refreshing change for a prospect, as well as a window into what it would be like to work with you.

Sales hooks can be an effective way to grab prospects’ attention (and inspire them to want to hear more). By crafting a fun hook that highlights your knowledge and credibility, you can not only get yourself hear, but also set the foundation for a potentially lucrative relationship.
