Sell Smarter Award Highlights AdMall's Health Care Intelligence

BY Adam Ambro

Hi. I’m Doug Lessells. On behalf of everyone at SalesFuel, we welcome you to this month’s featured sell smarter award — where we honor excellence in media sales. 

Juanita Toth, of The Modesto Bee, has been selling media advertising for over 25 years. She’s a pro. She’s also a multiple time AdMall Sell Smarter Award Winner, so she knew exactly how and why to use AdMall when she recently approached a health care insurance company. 
“We have a legacy health care insurance customer who runs with us annually,” said Toth. “They provide resources specific to Medicare and Open Enrollment. They will help their clients with explanation of coverage options, lowest co-​pays, plans to suit their clients’ needs, and they have a highly skilled customer service team.” 
“Their traditional buy includes newspaper print and some digital. Historically, they spend an average of $40,000 per year. This year the account was facing a challenge due to Covid-​19 because they hold events, which would not be feasible with the current landscape.” 
“The format of AdMall is truly beneficial to every presentation that we put together,” said Toth. “This particular conversation started with looking at the data in AdMall. The data linked to ‘knowing the opportunity,’ and category [provided] information prior to our initial meeting, during the proposal meeting and [was also used] in closing. Understanding our client's vertical is the key to success.” 

This campaign included a full digital presence with programmatic display, audience targeting, and social media advertising,” said Toth. 

The campaign ran over 10 weeks and we successfully drove the target audience to the drive- through events, increased sign-​ups and engagement of audience and grew our client's commitment from the historic $40,000 spend to $98,000.” 

To read more about these winners, along with submitting your own story for a chance at a Sell Smarter Award, please visit SalesFuel​.com/​SSA
