Few things are worse for a business than an angry customer. Once a client is angry, it takes a while to build their trust back up. And, there’s the possibility that you’ll lose their business before you even get the chance to do so. They may also post about the bad experience online. If only there was a way to stop the anger before it happens. Luckily, there are a few methods, as pointed out by CustomerThink writer Maneesh Sharma. Here are two of Sharma's customer anger diversion tips:
Customer Controlled Feedback
Yes, yes, you probably send out survey after survey begging your clients for their feedback. They don’t tend to be all that successful though, right? The fact of the matter is, your client probably feels as if their time is better spent doing things other than surveys. That is, until something begins to go wrong. If you have an open feedback platform, you’ll be able to hear from clients as soon as they smell smoke instead of when the fire is blazing.
To accomplish this, you need to set up an easy way for customers to give their detailed feedback whenever they feel the need to. Detailed is the keyword there. Don’t just provide a bulleted list of predetermined answers for them to choose from. Those may not always apply. For your customers to feel they’ve communicated everything they need to, allow them a way to write out what they feel could go wrong/be handled better. Then you’ll have the opportunity to get alerts before a customer gets angry.
Be Transparent
New clients aren’t familiar with the way your company handles customer service. If you don’t tell them outright, they’ll make assumptions and potentially set unrealistic expectations for you. Or worse, when approached about what your service has to offer, you could stretch the truth to make it seem more impressive. Nip this potentially infuriating situation in the bud by informing new customers of exactly what they can expect out of a business relationship with you. That way, miscommunication won’t lead to an angry client further down the road.