Using AdMall’s Targeted Customer Data, AE Closes $40,000 Digital Sale

BY Adam Ambro
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Challenge: Finding the right targeted customer data to appeal to new clients

Stacy Prine, a 15-​year media sales veteran from WUPW, approached a local personal injury attorney with the hopes of creating a targeted customer advertising campaign for them.

The biggest challenge they were facing was gaining new clients from outside of their main offices and who to target in those areas,” said Prine.

This is a [personal injury] law firm, and there are three equal partners, so, not only did I have to sell to one, I had to sell to three. As you can imagine, working with three different people was a little challenging, especially being attorneys. They liked facts and numbers and details. With AdMall, I was able to provide all of that. I started working on this account in October of 2023. They had originally decided to hold off.”

Solution: Return with AdMall’s targeted customer spending data

Following nothing coming from the initial meeting with the personal injury attorneys, Prine returned to them with AdMall’s targeted customer spending data, hoping to change their mind.

I came back to them in December with information gathered from AdMall and my recommendations on where and how much they should be spending,” said Prine.

[That,] along with the plan and information I showed them, [convinced them] to move forward with the full package I'd presented on the digital front. This attorney was impressed with the info gathered and my presentation, as well as my persistence on why and where they should be investing their dollars. It all paid off.”

Result: A six-​month digital advertising campaign

After a few months of talking back and forth they signed for a start of 6 months at $6625/​month, [for a total of $39,795],” said Prine.

They'll be using a combination of streaming, targeted marketing, and owned and operated services.”

AdMall is a very useful tool to have. The amount of information on upcoming ideas and different categories to target, as well consumer spend and the digital audit is a great asset to go into a meeting with, [as well as] knowing what a company may or may not be using.”

 AdMall’s Local Account Intelligence Report is available for over 400+ business types and provides a myriad of research from the local, state and national level. It is the baseline report a rep should run before their first sales call that will put them on a level playing field with a potential client.

Everything from market demographics, consumer spending, marketing/​budget figures, top products sold, industry challenges and opportunities, and more can be found in this report. If you’d like to learn more about the Local Account Intelligence Report, feel free to register for the next AdMall 101 webinar in AdMall’s Learning Center.

More About: Attorneys — Personal Injury 

Personal injury attorneys represent consumers who have experienced injury or wrongful death as a result of accidents, medical malpractice or other mishaps. They often work on a contingency basis which means they only earn money if they are successful in negotiating a settlement with the defendant or in winning a lawsuit. Most personal injury claims are settled before the case goes to the courtroom. Personal injury law is almost always considered civil law versus criminal law, which involves defendants who face jail time.

Personal injury law firms are usually structured as partnerships. Partners also hire less-​expensive associates as well as office staff. Larger firms may hire high-​level managers as well as in-​house marketing staff. Note that this industry is highly fragmented because most personal injury cases involve a specific sub-​segment of personal injury law that is very dependent on the laws of a specific region, city or municipality.

The personal injury sector of law generates about $57.3 billion in annual revenue and includes nearly 49,000 businesses.
