Universally, salespeople want to be attractive to buyers. If asked, most sellers would say their goal is to become a vital business companion to their high-value customers. Essentially, they want to become irresistible to those clients and prospects.
A high empathy quotient (EQ) supports that goal. Your EQ is the ability to understand and respond to the emotions of others. In turn, others will find you to be instantly more attractive.
Being Kind is an Indicator of a High Empathy Quotient
We’ve all had occasion to appreciate the benefits of being kind. Simple courtesies make the day go better for everyone. But have you associated those simple acts with how you are perceived by others?
Natalia Kononov is a Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow at Wharton and has a PhD in marketing. Recently, she studied how people’s behavior influenced others’ estimation of their attractiveness. Jessica Stillman gives a complete accounting in this article from Inc.com.
Initially, the focus is on how beautiful people are viewed as more trustworthy, smarter and capable. However, Kononov’s research demonstrates that simple acts of kindness can instantly make you appear more beautiful. Acts of kindness result from emotion which reflect a high empathy quotient.
Building Trust, Rapport and Emotional Connections
The EQ is a recent psychological measure developed at the Autism Research Centre at the University of Cambridge in 2004. Originally designed to evaluate social impairments, EQ is valuable for researchers studying emotional and social functioning. Evidently, there are three components of empathy.
- Cognitive Empathy: The ability to understand and predict others' thoughts and feelings.
- Emotional Empathy: The capacity to experience appropriate emotions in response to others' feelings.
- Social Skills: The ability to interact effectively with others based on empathic understanding
A high empathy quotient leads to better communication, enhanced relationships and a stronger bond between sellers and their clients. It allows one to build trust and rapport as well as manage conflicts that may arise. Importantly, in the transactional world of B2B sales, empathy stimulates healthier emotional connections.
Improve Your Results by Changing Your Approach
In a separate article, Jessica Stillman suggests a simple language change to boost your emotional connections and raise your EQ. While seeking receptiveness in the age of political polarization, researchers found a solution in a simple pronoun swap.
Seemingly, people are more likely to engage and share when approached using the word “we” rather than “you.” The author states, “we need to rethink our approach” is less adversarial than “you need to rethink your approach.” Likewise, it makes the other party much more receptive to you and your ideas.
Comparably, engaging in active listening by giving your prospect your undivided attention is a powerful empathy quotient device. Maintaining eye contact, mirroring body language and reflecting their feelings through words are other potent techniques.
A Broader Perspective Can Expand Your Sales Base
Increasing your empathy quotient involves a combination of self-awareness, active engagement with others, and practices that broaden your perspective. Here are some strategies to help you achieve this:
- Engage with people outside your normal social group. — This can help you build bridges, challenge your prejudices, and develop a deeper understanding of different worldviews and life experiences.
- Broaden your perspective. — Read literary fiction, which can help you gain insight into other people's thoughts, motivations and actions. This can enhance your empathy by allowing you to experience narratives from different perspectives
- Become a student of body language and facial expressions. Take note of how and where people position themselves. Also, learn to connect facial expressions with emotions.
It’s easy and rewarding to be kind, thoughtful and caring. Plus, by incorporating these strategies, you increase your empathy quotient and become more attractive to your clients and prospects.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Pexels.com