How Sales Outreach Tools Can Tackle Prospecting Challenges

BY Jessica Helinski
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More than 25% of sellers say prospecting is one of their top weaknesses, according to SalesFuel’s Voice of the Sales Rep study. Sales outreach tools can help. Offerings from automated emails to CRM software help salespeople reach larger audiences and spark a connection. They also can help sellers overcome top challenges they face today. 

Sales outreach tools can boost prospecting success

Sellers readily admit that prospecting is difficult, but technology exists that can help strengthen those prospecting efforts by enhancing outreach. “Outreach strategies help streamline the sales process to a great extent,” the professionals at Sloovi explain. “The human aspect of sales is here to stay. There is no denying that. However, several tools have been developed to make sales outreach easier.”

There are tools that align with each stage of the sales process, and reps are increasingly recognizing the value of having these tools at hand. In fact, Sloovi reports that “approximately 90% of sales professionals are leaning towards investing in sales engagement platforms and sales tools.” The majority of professionals recognize that with these tools, they can deliver results, thanks to a more wide-​reaching and targeted outreach. 

Sales tools can help overcome challenges 

As customers and the buying process evolve, sellers face a new crop of challenges in the industry. One such challenge is building rapport and trust virtually. As engagement increasingly moves online, sellers need to to generate the same trust and credibility with prospects as always–but via a screen instead of in-​person. While many reps have embraced those virtual sales skills since the pandemic in 2020, there are still those who haven't quite honed them yet. Digital aspects of the sales process are here to stay, so it's imperative that sellers master and nurture online trust-building. 

Sales outreach tools can help because they make the most of technology while also allowing for personalization. Even if reps can't physically meet with a prospect, the tools they use to engage can still create a connection. For example, when sending sales emails, use customization features to personalize each email to the individual prospect. Woodpecker reports that "The average response rate of advanced personalized emails (that is those which included custom snippets beyond the most basic ones such as {{first_​name}} or {{company_​name}}) is 17%." Something as simple as adding a few custom touches to your emails boosts their deliverability and encourages responses. For even more insights into how to make your prospecting emails effective, check out this SalesFuel article

Consider tools to "boost" phone connections

Sales outreach tools can also help with non-​digital sales tasks. Are you having trouble getting your calls answered?: This is where outreach tools can assist. While email, social and other digital messages are standard practice, sellers should still not dismiss the power of a phone call.  "Although most of our daily activities revolve around our mobiles, it is getting increasingly difficult for sales reps to get in touch with prospects via phone calls," Sloovie professionals point out. “One-​on-​one conversations have a significant impact on the outcome of the deal."

They recommend implementing a CRM that pairs alerts with email opens so that the prospect has that initial awareness and interest to answer your call. As Sloovi notes, "They will, without a doubt, reply, as you’re not intruding on another undertaking, meeting or interaction. This makes associating more applicable." 

And don't forget to time your calls when prospects are most likely to answer. Using automation and alerts can keep you on schedule to maximize contact efforts. SalesFuel’s Voice of the Buyer study revealed that nearly half of buyers say between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m is the best time of day for communicating with sellers. And once you have them on the line, make the most of that call with these best practices.

Now is the time to put sales outreach tools to work. There is so much opportunity to use them to engage with prospective buyers and overcome today’s most pressing outreach challenges. For even more guidance, check out these pro tips for maximizing sales tools

Photo by Yan Krukau
