Manage Feedback Like A Professional 

BY Jessica Helinski
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Learning how to effectively manage feedback will set you apart professionally. Too often, egos get in the way when hearing feedback. Or, sellers don’t know what to do with the feedback they receive. Developing this soft skill will help you use feedback to grow and improve. 

Manage feedback like an Olympian

When receiving and using feedback, Michael Gervais encourages us to look to Olympic athletes. Writing for Harvard Business Review, Gervais explains that these professionals can teach a lot about this topic. 

Learning to discern which feedback to embrace and which to filter out becomes essential,” he writes.

It’s also important to know how to implement the advice received. 

This, Gervais acknowledges, is not as easy as it sounds. It’s difficult to hear what we’ve done wrong or what we can do better. We commonly view feedback in a negative light and take it personally. 

[It’s] hard to receive because when self-​worth is tied to performance outcomes, [it’s] like a direct threat to our identity.”

To protect ourselves, we dismiss or minimize feedback. And this is where we hurt ourselves. We are denying ourselves guidance that can help us grow and advance. It’s time to reframe how we view feedback. 

Feedback is a means of improvement,” writes SalesFuel’s Tim Londergan

Handling bold honesty, frank criticism and well-​intentioned feedback is a solid building block for career development.”

How Olympians face feedback

Gervais’s experience working with athletes in four different Olympic Games gave insights into how they effectively manage feedback. First, he notes that a circle of trusted advisors is a must. Like these athletes, sellers should lean on a select few individuals for trusted advice. 

Feedback is only beneficial when it comes from a place of genuine care and honesty. Make sure that you get it from your most trusted sources. These may include a manager, mentor, client, and close colleagues. 

Make sure that each person is committed to supporting and protecting you,” he adds.

He recommends asking yourself the following questions when vetting your feedback circle:

  • Who truly has your back? 
  • Who really understands you at your most vulnerable?
  • Who is committed to telling the truth? 
  • Who can you count on to be honest with you? 
  • Who has lived a life that you respect?

And, Gervais adds, be thoughtful about the feedback individuals give. It’s vital that you lean on those who give genuine feedback rather than opinion. 

Jake Wilder, writing for Medium, agrees. 

Top performers are very selective about their sources of feedback. Both in who they ask and who they listen to.”

Listen and Act

Another major tip to manage feedback is listening and acting. When hearing it, focus on your new mindset. Keep your mind open and receptive. Put yourself in the position to learn. 

Managing your emotional response will help truly listen to suggestions for improvement. If you find yourself feeling defensive or angry, pause. Question why this particular element upsets you. 

As Gervais suggest, “Shift your focus from the emotional turmoil (the noise) to the insights within the experience (the signal).”

This thoughtfulness allows for a clearer mind and ability to embrace a new direction. 

Then, put that advice into action. This can be hard. As Olympic athletes can attest, adjusting a long-​held strategy or overcoming a habit is difficult. But the effort pays off. 

Olympians meticulously incorporate suggestions into their training regimens and strive to make tangible changes.”

Gervais adds that this distinguishes the top performers from the rest. 

Even those with the best intentions can fumble when it comes to implementing advice. This gap between “intention and action” derails progress. To avoid it, 

  • Make a clear plan with specific steps
  • Keep a record of your efforts and results 
  • Regularly review your progress 
  • Make it a regular part of your routine

With these steps, you will be able to successfully manage feedback and grow as a seller. You’ll outpace the competition and, like Olympians, stand apart as a top performer.

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