Superior OOH Ads Secure Attention, Deliver Strong ROI

BY Denise Gibson
OOH ads

If your client is looking to boost ROI, it’s time to invest in an underutilized ad they’ve been sleeping on. OOH ads are highly effective, yet many brands overlook their power because they’re a traditional channel. Here’s why that’s a mistake.

The Power of OOH Ads

They Fill a Crucial Niche

Consumers’ growing ability to skip and block ads are a huge problem for advertisers, according to a report by eMarketer. It really brings down the effectiveness of digital ads. That is, unless they’re combined with OOH ads.

Digital out-​of-​home (DOOH) succeeds where all other types of digital ads fail. They:

  • Can’t be skipped or blocked
  • Don’t contribute to rampant digital fatigue felt by a growing number of consumers

Plus, according to a previous SalesFuel blog, based on data from Campaign US, DOOH ads reap the benefits of both digital and traditional ads:

  • Traditional: Opportunity to be seen in non-​digital spaces that are more attention grabbing. Did you know that 88% of consumers over the age of 18 notice OOH ads on a monthly basis? And 78% of them take action after seeing them
  • Digital: Creativity that draws the eye away from stagnant ads and surroundings. Plain old OOH ads get the attention and inspire action from millions of people. Imagine how much higher that percentage could climb with digital videos on billboard spaces.”

Data from GroupM, highlighted in this SalesFuel blog, shows that consumers:

  • Say digital OOH ads give them all the information they need to make purchases: 53% of consumers agree
  • Made purchases on the spot because of these ads: 50%
  • View these ads as ‘very’ or ‘quite informative’: 77%
  • Visited websites listed on these ads: 38%
  • Scanned a QR code off the ad: 24%”

Overall, says eMarketer, DOOH ad spending keeps growing at a steady pace. Other ad types like broadcast TV, radio and print can’t say the same.

Even Traditional OOH Ads are Super Effective

The best part about OOH ads is their diversity. Yeah, your client can add digital aspects, but they don’t have to. Traditional OOH are also fantastic attention grabbers.

According to a SalesFuel blog based on data from onescreen​.ai, OOH ads are:

  • Better at surprising and delighting consumers than other ad types: 94% of marketers agree
  • Essential for brand building: 93%
  • Have grown in effectiveness since 2020: 91%

And the holiday season in particular is a great time for OOH ads. Many consumers plan road trips and shop in person so that they get their gifts on time. Prime foot and road traffic for OOH.

At the rate this type of ad spend is growing, total ad spending will break $10 billion by 2027, says eMarketer.

Programmatic DOOH

Of course, OOH and DOOH aren’t your client’s only options. There are tons of OOH variants out there. One of the up-​and-​coming ones is programmatic DOOH.

According to eMarketer, this year, programmatic DOOH will double its ad spend compared to two years ago ($900 million). eMarketer also estimates that programmatic DOOH will account for 30% of DOOH sales by 2026.

What makes programmatic DOOH so special? Most can use location targeting, making ads hyper-​personalized for audiences in various locations. “The location data includes adjacent real-​world landmarks and produces aggregate audience insights, rather than real-​time, one-​to-​one targeting,” says eMarketer.

Programmatic DOOH ads are also easy to integrate into omnichannel campaigns. They work particularly well when paired with ads on social media.

Not sure which other ad types your client should use in their omnichannel campaign? Check out their target audience’s profile on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel. There, you’ll see which types of ads resonate best with your client’s target audience.

Stop letting your client sleep on OOH ads.

Photo by: Andrae Ricketts
