Top Tips to Set Your Client’s Email Strategy for the Year

BY Rachel Cagle
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Are you ready to take your client’s email strategy to the next level? Here are some trends you and your client should take advantage of in 2024.

Top Tips to Set Your Client’s Email Strategy for the Year

Take Advantage of AI

An article from Mailjet points out that AI has so much to offer your client’s email strategy in 2024.

For starters, it can take over mundane tasks like creating and personalizing automated emails. These don’t take much creativity and are boring for writers to spend time on. So, let AI do it so writers can focus on more important tasks.

AI can also help with more complex emails by helping you and your client:

  • Brainstorm topics
  • Come up with effective subject lines
  • Write initial drafts
  • Proofread email drafts
  • Generate graphics and images for inside the emails

Additionally, Mailjet says that as AI tools mature, they can even help your client with template builders.

And that’s just scratching the surface of what AI can offer your client’s email strategy. As AI continues to grow and improve, more opportunities will continue to present themselves.

Focus on Personalization and Segmentation

2024 is the year that your client should stop having emails to current and potential customers focus on brand-​centric messages. 

Instead, Mailjet says that your client’s email strategy should focus on “understanding customer pain points." One solution he suggests is "… connecting them to the company’s service offering. "… [Therefore,] making communications much more relevant through advanced personalization and segmentation techniques.”

To accomplish this, you’ll need to figure out what types of messages they want to receive from brands. For help getting started, check out your client’s audience audience’s profile on AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel.

Keep It Simple

Sure, emails containing really cool graphics and other unique attachments were a powerful marketing tool when the concept was new. Now everyone and their mother are doing it, so it just comes off as loud and crowded.

That’s why Mailjet says there will be a shift toward simplicity in email strategy in 2024. Consumers want more authentic and text-​centered emails from brands, with personalized messages tailored to them and their interests. 

Plain-​text emails will put the entire focus on personalization. It feels as if the recipient is reading something from another human instead of a corporation trying to dazzle them.

And/​Or Focus on Interactive Elements

If simple just isn’t your client’s style, that’s okay too. However, instead of filling their email ads with flashy graphics that serve one purpose, take them to the next level. Make the graphics interactive.

Email interactivity can be an absolute game-​changer … [especially] for grabbing your audience’s attention and nudging them to act, all without them leaving the inbox,” says Mailjet. Make receiving emails from your client fun and consumers will be excited to receive them. They may also be more willing to take action because of them and maybe even share them with friends.

Let Emails Open Up Omnichannel Interactions

Emails are the best way by far for brands to reach out to current and potential customers. However, they’re not the only way consumers like to be contacted:

  • Email: 74% of consumers say they prefer to receive promotional and transactional messages from brands on this channel
  • Text Messages: 27.8%
  • In-​App Notifications: 15.2%
  • Mobile Messaging Apps: 11.7%
  • Direct Mail: 8.5%
  • Phone and Voicemail: 4.2%

Mailjet points out that “proving a great customer experience will also require giving customers choice of the type of messages they want to receive … and [a choice of] channels they want to be contacted through.” So, one way to make your client’s email strategy more effective is to give their recipients this choice.

Take when someone goes to unsubscribe from your client’s email list, for example. What can you do instead of just asking, “Are you sure?” 

Your client could add a section that asks if there’s a better way they’d prefer to be contacted. That way, your client doesn’t lose contact with a potential customer, their contact method just switches. Sometimes an email strategy has to think outside the inbox.

Photo by: Afif Ramdhasuma
