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The Power to Be Taken Seriously™

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Be the smartest salesperson
they hear from today.

Cuts research time from hours to seconds.
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Be the most important
salesperson they hear from today.

Gets you to 'trusted advisor' status faster.
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Be the most impressive
salesperson they hear from today.

Empowers you to gain the upper hand.
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Be the most reputable
salesperson they hear from today.

Scores and improves professional credibility.
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Be the most respected
salesperson they hear from today.

Stops ghosting and keeps you top-of-mind.
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Be the most helpful
salesperson they hear from today.

Attracts the clients you want most.
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Be the most credible
salesperson they hear from today.

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C. Lee Smith Leading Sales Consultant Selling Power Sales Credibility
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Selling Power, Top Sales Training Companies, SalesFuel, AdMall, SalesCred

The Trust Accelerator™
for B2B Sales


Score (and Improve)
Professional Credibility


The Power to Be Taken Seriously™


Get to 'Trusted Advisor' Status Faster


Attract the Clients
You Want Most


72% of B2B buyers don't believe salespeople can help them achieve their specific objectives.

Prove them wrong.

Introducing SalesCred PRO, the strategic resource for B2B sales that fortifies your credibility and accelerates the trust building needed for building successful business relationships. It's about establishing yourself as an objective and reliable source of expertise, so you can have your recommendations taken seriously.

With SalesCred PRO, you'll measure your digital credibility score, refine it and build it. Our platform features exclusive research and AI-​powered tools to prove your value across all channels — online, email, face-​to-​face, LinkedIn, and even Zoom calls — for every client you serve.

With SalesCred PRO, you're not just another voice in the room — you're the expert advisor they've been seeking.

Prospects don't just research your company,
they also vet the salesperson.

That's why you need SalesCred PRO.

Prospects don't just research your company,
they vet the salesperson.

That's why you need SalesCred PRO.

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Digital Credibility Scoring

71% of B2B buyers search the salesperson's name online before they talk to them. Since you can't master what you can't measure, SalesCred PRO scores how prospects see you (before they'll see you). It will even guide you to make changes that can improve your online perception.

  • Rank your perceived expertise by topic and scores your company's expertise — which also impacts your credibility.
  • Score the effectiveness of your LinkedIn profile with tips for improving each section.
  • Learn how you appear on Google and how you're coming across on social media.
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Pre-​Sales Research

Today's buyers want more than just someone they "know, like, and trust." B2B decision-​makers seek an industry expert who knows what they're talking about and knows how to help. SalesCred PRO's business intelligence makes sales preparation easier, so you to spend less time clicking and more time selling.

  • Just enter their domain name, and SalesCred PRO compiles your prospect's 7 C's of Pre-​Sales Research in real-​time.
  • You'll also get exclusive buyer behavior research and other proprietary data your competitors can't get from ChatGPT or a Google search.
  • What used to take hours now takes just seconds with SalesCred PRO!
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20% of B2B buyers have already seen content online that looks a computer wrote it. SalesCred PRO harnesses the power of AI for sales communications to help you stand out for the right reasons. The CredWriter tool enables you to overcome writer's block, create SEO-​friendly content and write personalized sales email for maximum authority.

  • Use your personalized Authority Statements for answering the question "Why should I listen to them?"
  • Create first drafts of email, texts and LinkedIn messages factoring in the communication style of the recipient.
  • Use proprietary and verified research sources to avoid embarrassing made-​up data that destroys credibility.
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Prospect Visibility
Opportunities Dashboard

Effortlessly stay top-​of-​mind with key prospects and accounts with SalesCred PRO's Daily Opportunities Dashboard. This tool allows you to leverage the latest content from their website, online videos, LinkedIn, and other social platforms to stay visible in just seconds.

  • Use our trained AI to get suggestions for posting professional and empathetic comments using your communication style and desired reaction.
  • Use the latest news from reliable industry trade sources to share insights by email, text and LinkedIn.
  • You can also boost your presence internally by sharing, reposting and commenting on content created by your company or from trusted partners.
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AI-​driven Sales Coach
in Your Pocket

Instantly get guidance for any situation using AI. SalesCred PRO's Sales Coach tool is like having a friendly and helpful sales coach in your pocket. It's trained on hundreds of consultative sales articles from SalesFuel every business day and the works of C. Lee Smith, author of SalesCred: How Buyers Qualify Sellers.

  • Allows you to ask questions you don't feel comfortable asking your sales manager.
  • AI-​powered Say It Better tool suggests a more professional and empathetic way to say what you really want to say.
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Competitive Intelligence

30% of B2B decision-​makers will disqualify a salesperson for badmouthing the competition. But you still need to compare yourself accurately, respectfully and credibly. SalesCred PRO's real-​time Competitive Intelligence help you stay up-​to-​date on what your biggest threats are up to.

  • It displays your competitor's new online content and website updates.
  • It includes your competitor's latest LinkedIn articles and other social media postings.
  • It aggregates their latest mentions in the news — and on other third-​party websites.
Web App

for any browser

Mobile App

for iOS and Android devices

Zoom App

for Zoom Meetings

Win your prospect's trust faster
with SalesCred PRO.

Start with a free 7 day trial!

We never sell your info!

Requests are usually answered
within one business day.

Please be careful the email address entered is correct.

Earn trust faster with SalesCred PRO.
Start with a free 7 day trial!

We never sell your info!

Requests are usually answered
within one business day.

Please be careful the email address entered is correct.

SalesCred - The Definitive Book on Sales Credibility by C. Lee Smith

Based on the bestselling book
on sales credibility.

If you want to gain the upper hand with prospects and win their trust, you need to establish and build credibility first. Yet only 1 in 4 Americans view salespeople as credible sources of information and solutions.

Based on 30+ years of research and proven success by C. Lee Smith, author of the bestselling book SalesCred: How Buyers Qualify Sellers, the SalesCred® PRO platform empowers sales teams worldwide to prove their relevance in achieving each buyer's business objectives, improve perception, accelerate trust-​building, and earn more referrals.

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We're happy to answer your questions
about SalesCred PRO.

Check out the FAQ below or

Call 614–601-2899

We're happy to answer your questions
about SalesCred PRO.

Check out the FAQ below or

Call 614–601-2899

Every B2B sales team needs credibility to win the trust of the people they serve. Without credibility, there is no trust. Without trust, there is no sale.

But for sales teams in some verticals, a high degree of credibility is not just required, it's crucial for handling sensitive data, providing vital services, and building the long-​term relationships needed to be successful:

  • Financial Services
  • Wealth Management
  • IT and Network Services
  • Legal Services
  • Business Consulting
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Real Estate
  • Construction Services and Architecture
  • Health Care and Medical

If any of these sound like your team, SalesCred PRO was made for building credibility and accreting buyer trust — which multiplies opportunities to close deals that will transform your career.

Yes. In your role, you're always looking for new clients, new employees, and maybe even new investors. All of these ventures require a high level of sales credibility — both online and in-​person. And if you are consulting others, credibility becomes crucial.

Check out our Pricing page.

Since 1989, SalesFuel, the company behind SalesCred PRO, has empowered more than 150,000 sales executives to build credibility with prospects by understanding their business, sharing relevant research and asking smarter discovery questions. We have served some of the largest (and smallest) sales teams with exclusive research, proprietary data and the skills to use it.

Yes. In addition to standard on-​boarding training, our SalesCred PRO clients also have two learning programs available to them:

  1. SalesCred Certification — This e‑learning course is provided as part of your SalesCred PRO subscription. It will make you an expert at building credibility with accounts and prospects using the Hierarchy of Sales Credibility. Each module includes an exercise and knowledge check. Upon completion of each module, you will receive a digital badge — a credential you can display on LinkedIn or social media.
  2. SalesCred Master Classes — These live, immersive and inclusive master classes are customized to your unique personalities and objectives.We identify sales credibility gaps for the company and each salesperson and what's causing them. Then we use our expertise, and crowdsource the wisdom in the room, to develop strategies for improving these perceptions. SalesCred Master Classes are delivered by Zoom or in person. Best for teams of 10–50 people. They are included in the highest service tier of SalesCred PRO subscriptions and are available a la carte to all other clients.

Learn more about SalesCred learning programs

SalesCred PRO platform support is provided by using the Help+Support option on the menu. Your service level may also provide you with a dedicated account manager.

Credibility Coaching is available for an additional fee by Global Sales Credibility Authority C. Lee Smith. Learn more here.

CRM integration is under development and will be available in the next release. The following CRMs will be able to share data with SalesCred PRO:

  • Salesforce
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Act!
  • ActiveCampaign
  • Close​.io
  • Copper
  • Hubspot
  • Pipedrive
  • Salesflare
  • Zendesk Sell
  • Zoho CRM

Yes. We reward credible consultants for subscriptions resulting from their referrals. Ask us for more information.

SalesCred and SalesCred PRO was created by C. Lee Smith

Lee is one of the country’s foremost experts on developing high-​performing sales teams and a ground-​breaking leader on sales credibility. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller SalesCred: How Buyers Qualify Sellers and CEO of sales research firm SalesFuel.

Lee was named one of Selling Power Magazine’s Leading Sales Consultants for seven straight years. He has more than 30 years of experience in sales and sales management. He is also a Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst who understands the brain science of influence.

Lee is a dynamic keynote speaker, C‑Suite Network Advisor and member of the Entrepreneur Leadership Network. He is also the co-​host of the Manage Smarter™ show on Spotify, iHeart Radio and C‑Suite TV.

SalesCred PRO was created by and is supported by SalesFuel. Recognized as one of the top sales enablement solution providers by Selling Power magazine, this Columbus, Ohio-​based sales research firm has been empowering sales professionals to Sell Smarter® for 35 years.