Sales Preparation


Quick Takes on Sales Preparation

effective discovery call questions
3 Effective Discovery Call Questions for Sellers

Asking effective discovery call questions can determine if you move forward with a lead.

Follow This Sales Discovery Meeting Plan

The sales discovery meeting continues to be an important part of the process. How sellers handle this step impacts progress.

stakeholder mapping
Stakeholder Mapping Makes Your Sales Process More Effective

A strong stakeholder mapping strategy can boost sales by providing insights into key decision-​makers, helping you sell to each.

discovery mistakes
Sales Discovery Mistakes That Hurt Sales

There are certain discovery mistakes that, while common, can be avoided. Sellers just need to be aware of them to avoid hurting their sales. Knowing how to navigate the discovery process helps build credibility and trust. This boosts the chance of moving things forward. 

The Best Sales Call Questions are Powered by Outstanding Emotional Intelligence

The best sales call questions begin with understanding, empathy and a desire for a meaningful connection.

Walk away from a prospect
Signs You Should Walk Away From A Prospect

You may be surprised that there are times when you should walk away from a prospect. Not every buyer you encounter will be a good fit.


Sales preparation is the process of gathering relevant information, understanding customer needs, and developing a strategic approach before engaging with prospects. For more than 35 years, SalesFuel has provided B2B sales teams with the competitive advantage from superior sales preparation and pre-​sales research.

Sales Research Solutions

Sales Preparation Infographics

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Salespeople who take a moment beforehand to find something of relevance to the buyer you  can share are perceived as more credible. You’re also able to ask smarter discovery questions that give you the insight needed to close deals.

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Executive Interviews

Charlie Bailes on the Manage Smarter Show podcast from SalesFuel
Amy Franko on the Manage Smarter Show from SalesFuel
Ed Eichhorn on the Manage Smarter show from SalesFuel
Darby Doll on the Manage Smarter podcast from SalesFuel
Hawthorne Advertising on the Manage Smarter podcast from SalesFuel
Manage Smarter with Doug Fletcher; Professional Services and Business Development
Anthony Iannarino

The Manage Smarter show features lively discussions about the psychology of sales, marketing, management and leadership.
New episodes are released twice monthly wherever you get your podcasts.

C. Lee Smith, Leading Sales Consultant, recognized by Selling Power

SalesFuel CEO C. Lee Smith has been recognized as one of the world's Leading Sales Consultants by Selling Power magazine.