Are you confident in your customer acquisition strategy for your client? According to a recent study, your client probably isn’t as confident as you are. Here’s what you need to know.
Creating a Customer Acquisition Strategy Your Client is Confident in
Brands Need a Confidence Boost
According to data from Wpromote, while 76% of agencies are confident in their service delivery, only 36% say they’re satisfied. That’s terrible news for agencies since brands only view agencies as worth the cost if their overall value is higher. Specifically, brands would like to see higher value in agencies’ customer acquisition strategy.
Luckily, brands already start their relationship with agencies pretty confident in their ability to deliver in this field. 33% of brands turn to agencies for help with customer acquisition because they believe agencies can help them:
- Increase revenue: 38% of brands agree that this is one of the greatest benefits from agencies
- Improve ROI: 35%
- With specialized skills and expertise: 32%
So, you’re a step up for success. You just need to make sure you deliver results and are aligned with your client’s goals.
Areas of Improvement
The first step to building or mending your client’s confidence is knowing where agencies typically go wrong. When it comes to a customer acquisition strategy, here’s what your client wants from you.
Brands value creativity even more than ROI or performance (it often leads to both anyway). They want the agencies they partner with to frequently pitch them fresh creative ideas. They want agencies to do their research on the industry and target audiences and base creativity around that.
So, creativity is incredibly dependent on audience data. Aside from the data you and your client have collected, where can you consistently get fresh information? On AudienceSCAN on AdMall by SalesFuel.
On AudienceSCAN, you get access to a wealth of audience data that is refreshed annually. Data like:
- Demographic information
- Which types of advertising media inspire the highest percentages of that audience to take action
- What they plan to spend money on within the next year
With the demographic and purchase intent information, you can get inspiration for messaging direction. And with the advertising information, you can make sure you’re using the most effective media mix. Combine both into your customer acquisition strategy and you’ll get the results your client is looking for.
Just because your current customer acquisition strategy for your client has worked in the past doesn’t mean it always will. Industries and consumer expectations and needs are always shifting. So, “97% of brands consider an agency’s ability to offer creative solutions in response to market changes important,” says Wpromote.
You need to be prepared to “empower brands to capitalize on opportunities or mitigate risks as market dynamics shift.” How can you accomplish this? By scheduling more strategic planning sessions/meetings with your client.
A good tactic is to host annual strategic planning sessions and conduct quarterly reviews in case you need to adjust. According to Wpromote, the goals of these meetings should be to:
- Keep your client informed of any changes impacting your strategy: 39% of brands want agencies to do this
- Propose and implement cutting-edge solutions: 38%
- Focus on proven strategies and technologies, but occasionally update them when needed: 21%
- Get updates on strategies and updates the client wants to explore and when: 2%
While only 2% of brands think the final bullet is a requirement, it’s still good to ask. After all, they offer a point of view you may not have.
Focusing on creativity and agility will help your customer acquisition strategy get the confidence boost it needs from your client.
Photo by: Jason Goodman