Best Personal Brand Strategies That Scream Success

BY Tim Londergan
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Sellers who have a personal brand strategy have a distinct advantage over others. The digital world has forever changed the way we conduct business and interact through countless channels. Essentially, your personal brand provides a genuine expression of what you have to offer.

To be clear: your reputation and how others see you is NOT your personal brand. Although realistic, they do not prioritize what you want others to see. While reputation is about credibility, your personal brand is about visibility and intention.

Just like companies and corporations, your personal brand reflects your chosen identity. Whether you carefully select your online image or choose to ignore your LinkedIn profile, you still generate a personal brand.

Your Personal Brand Strategy is a Promotional Tool

According to the Branding Journal, “Personal branding is the process of designing a strategy to influence the public perception of an individual.” Therefore, promoting yourself is the objective of any personal brand strategy.

Whether seeking a new career, impressing a client or looking for a promotion, your brand must be on target. Consequently, your strategy begins with critical steps. Here are several suggested by forbes​.com:

Define your values and core interests.

Know your brand’s current state and what you want to be known for. Note the skills and talents you are most proud of and what gives you energy. Where promising, align these elements with your organization’s goals.

Determine your audience and stakeholders.

Identify the influencers both inside and outside your company. Know their roles and decide what you can do for them and how they can best advocate for you.

Pick platforms that reach your target.

Showcase your personal brand where your target is most likely to notice you. It may be social media, a charitable organization or a business affiliation. Remember, your website allows you total control and is your flagship to the world.

Further, author Kara Dennison suggests connecting with others through concentrated networking. Additionally, she suggests seeking feedback from your peers.

Make a Lasting Impression and Build Trust

First impressions are just that. Fleeting thoughts and images can get you noticed but are they sustainable? And do they carry the message that you want to leave? Your personal brand strategy can help increase your visibility, credibility, and opportunities when done correctly.

A personal brand should accurately represent who you are, where you stand, and what you want to be known for. It must be as authentic as possible. Finally, it should convey the right message and be consistent over a long period.

After all, trust is created and maintained when you are recognized as being dedicated to your principles over time. Prospects are inclined to recognize your name and what you do if you have a strong personal brand. Customers are more likely to utilize your product and provide referrals based on a positive experience with your brand.

Modify Your Personal Brand Strategy to Reach Your Goals

Throughout your career, your immediate and most urgent goals will change. That’s okay because you can adapt your personal brand strategy to fit. According to The Branding Journal, “By aligning your brand with your goals, you’ll be more likely to achieve them.”

The beauty is that you are not at the mercy of an algorithm or an unyielding mission statement. Further, “No matter the objective, a personal brand strategy can be tailored to each person’s needs and objectives.”

Realize that personal branding is about standing out and making a difference. Always engage your industry with a growth mindset and check your activity for contradictions to stay on message. Review your short-​term goals to make long-​lasting impacts.

Keep telling your story but stay consistent. Don’t just do a yearly revisit of your brand goals. Dedicate time every month to determine the next steps of your personal brand strategy.

Image by Midjourney
