Manage Smarter 152 — Dennis Doran: Improving Your Soft Skills

BY Audrey Strong
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Dennis Doran has successfully served the construction industry for over 30 years as a contractor, consultant, strategic trainer & facilitator, development coach and public speaker. He brings a multi-​faceted perspective to people and organizations. 

There are two words that have continued to follow Dennis and capture his passion: people and service. His message on the vital importance of developing and valuing soft skills is the leading topic of his seminars and the very essence of the message in his highly praised book, Soft as Steel, written to equip readers with the tools to be successful, not just in business, but in life and relationships. 

In this episode, Audrey, Lee and Dennis discuss:

  • How to recognize soft skills and cultivate them in your day-​to-​day interactions.
  • The value of soft skills from three generations with boots-​on-​the-​ground perspectives.
  • How soft skills give you a better understanding of yourself.

"Hard skills involve the mechanics of doing the job and soft skills are all about how the job gets done—the recognition of emotional intelligence, an understanding of the generational differences in a workforce and a style of communication that drives stellar results." 

Dennis Doran

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