While social selling and Zoom meetings are the newest communication tools, it still benefits sellers to master the basics of sales voicemail. Not every call is going to connect, so sellers need to be sure they know how to leave voicemails that inspire a call back.
The basics of sales voicemail
Successful sellers know what kind of information to include in a voicemail, as well as different strategies for getting calls returned. In case you need a refresher, or want new ideas, Donato Dioro discussed the topic of voicemails in an article for HubSpot.
Must-have voicemail elements
While he notes that each seller will have their own scripts, adjusted and personalized to fit their prospects, quality voicemail messages do share certain elements. Despite factors depending on the situation, Dioro believes that each sales voicemail should include:
- Your name and company. While this seems like common sense, many reps often forget this basic information leaving a message. Whether it’s nerves or being so caught up in the script, this very basic information can easily be left out. Even if the message is for a prospect with whom you’ve spoken to before, always leave context.
- Your phone number. Don’t rely on Caller ID to give the prospect your number. As Diario points out, “the goal of dictating your number is to reduce the effort required to respond to your message…some salespeople also recommend that you do so twice — earlier in the message and at the end — in case your recipient doesn’t listen to your message all the way through.”
- Your reason for calling. Make sure to clearly and briefly state your reason for the call, as well as what led you to reach out in the first place. Was it a LinkedIn connection? Did they submit a website request for more info?
- The benefits of returning your call. Explain why they should give you a call back. While Diorio recommends being clear, he also warns against going too deep into detail. “The priority here is grabbing your prospect's attention and getting them to respond to your message,” he writes. “The nitty-gritty details can be discussed later down the line.”
- What you’d like the prospect to do. Specificity is important here. Clarify when and how the prospect should reach you.
How to craft and execute a stellar script
Sellers who want to master the basics of sales voicemails must get comfortable with creating scripts. While these don’t need to be read verbatim, they are beneficial by creating a loose guide for the rep to follow. For maximum effectiveness, consider Diario’s script-writing suggestions.
- Be concise and try to keep your voicemail to about 30 seconds.
- Conduct thorough research when script writing to ensure your message is personalized and relevant.
- Be mindful of your tone and delivery. Not sure how to do this? Check out SalesFuel’s advice.
- Avoid sales jargon and buzzwords. Yes, you want to come across as professional and credible, but don’t overdo it with “sales speak.”
Diorio goes on to share some voicemail scripts from well-known sales professionals. You can use these as guides when crafting your own. SalesFuel also has several articles covering the topic, as well as a podcast episode with tips for leaving smarter voicemails. And remember, mastering the basics of sales voicemails takes time and effort and your own touch. “Leaving effective sales voicemails is both an art and a science,” Diario explains. “As you continue to refine these scripts (and your overall process), over time you’ll start to develop scripts and formulas of your own — unique to you and the niche you serve.”